- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 语无伦次 rave (vi)
- 峡谷 ravine
- 生食主义 raw foodism
- 地铁主席钱果丰 Raymond Chien Kuo-fung, the MTRC chairman
- 何钟泰 Raymond Ho Chung-tai
- 自动当选连任行政长官一职 re-elected uncontested for a second term
- 精简架构 re-engineering/delayering/downsizing/rightsizing
- 重返就业市场 re-enter the job market
- 返回舱 re-entry capsule
- 重考 re-sit the exam
- 重吸收作用 reabsorption
- 就选举安排达成共识 reach a consensus on the electoral arrangements
- 达成和议 reach a peace settlement
- 大致达成共识 reach broad agreement
- (搭客量)达饱和 reach capacity
- 成为政务司司长 reach the top of the civil service
- 到(在火场中)受困的人所在的地方 reach victims
- 达成协议 reach/strike an agreement on something/to do something
- 走到十字路口 reached an intersection
- 抵达政府总部 reached the government headquarters
- 以一贯爱理不理态度对待投票结果 reacted with typical defiance to the votes
- 反应堆 reactor
- 读者人数 readership
- 可在药房买到 readily available over the counter
- 老花眼镜 reading glasses/bifocals