

充电式电池/充电池    rechargeable batteries
独奏会    recital
诵念佛经    recite Buddhist chants
在坚尼地城对开海面填海七十九公顷    reclaim 79 hectares off Kennedy Town
在维港填海一百九十三公顷    reclaimed 193 hectares in the harbour
填海计划    reclamation plan
隐蔽青年    reclusive adolescents
认得警方提供的电话号码    recognised the telephone number provided by police
承认同性恋的正当性/承认同性恋是合法的    recognized the legitimacy of homosexual relations
基因重组后的病毒    recombinant virus
和解    reconciliation (u)(sing); There seemed little hope of reconciliation between the two superpowers./All our attempts at reconciliation have failed.
化解政策分歧    reconciling their policy differences
改装(巴士)座位    reconfigure seating on their vehicles
去年亏损二亿二千五百万元    recorded a $225 million budget deficit last financial year
叙述    recount(vt); recount the details of the conversation to the court
收回债款    recover the debt
重获信誉    recover their trust and goodwill
发现尸体    recovered bodies
搜获赃物    recovered suspected stolen items
向外招聘人手    recruit from outside
雇用某人    recruit somebody/hire somebody/take somebody on/employ somebody; In American English you hire people for any job, but in British English you only hire people for a particular purpose for a short time. Otherwise you employ them or take them on (or, more formally, appoint them)。
用人唯才    recruited on the basis of intellectual ability
会集全球(物流业)精英    recruiting the cream of the industry from across the word
改变「不考不学」的观念    rectify the concept of learning only what is to be examined
改变「不考不学」的观念    rectify the concept of learning only what is to be examined
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