- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 领取中一派位结果 receive their secondary school placement
- 可获最多六个月薪金作遣散赔偿 receive up to six months' pay
- 收到十一宗有关楼花买卖的投诉 received 11 complaints about the sale of uncompleted flats
- 被扣十五分 received a 15-demerit-point punishment
- 接受骨髓移植 received a bone marrow transplant
- 透过手提电话的文字讯息收到死亡恐吓 received a death threat via a mobile phone text message
- 因输血而感染 received a tainted blood transfusion/infected through tainted blood transfusions
- 接受移植手术 received a transplant
- 两年前接受肝脏移植手术 received a transplant two years ago
- 在西方接受高等教育 received advanced education in the West
- 得到的士司机广泛支持 received broad support from the taxi industry
- 更为朋辈所接受 received greater acceptance from their peers
- 接受肾脏移植手术 received kidney transplants
- 收到大信封 received letters of dismissal
- 昨天收到内地官员的电话,询问他对游行的看法 received phone calls from mainland officials yesterday canvassing his views on the march
- 受到特殊待遇 received preferential treatment
- 收到绑匪电话,要求六百万元赎金 received ransom calls demanding $6 million
- 被判入狱十八个月至十年半不等 received sentences ranging from 18 months to 10.5 years
- 颈部受轻伤 received slight injuries to his neck
- 接受植入手术 received the implant
- 接受性病治疗 received treatment for the sexually transmitted diseases
- 从三十多名市民收集到有用情报 received useful leads from more than 30 people
- 收到内含可疑粉末的邮件 receiving a suspicious letter containing powdery substance
- 最近改革以攻取中产阶级市场 recently revamped itself to appeal to the middle class
- 不久前「标普」宣布把港元长期债务评级前景展望由稳定降至负面。 Recently, Standard & Poor's announced that it would downgrade its outlook for Hong Kong's long-term local currency credit rating from stable to negative.