直肠 rectum可以复原的 recuperable休养、疗养 recuperate (vt)(vi)/convalesce (vi); He's still recuperating from his
operation./She is convalescing at home after her operation.休养期、疗养期 recuperation/convalescence可循环再用 recyclable (a); recyclable plastic循环再用 recycle (vt)/recycling (u); recycled paper/the recycling of glass/a
recycling plant循环再用的物料 recycled materials再生水 recycled water红血球 red blood cell红筹股联想集团公布截至十二月三十一日的第三季业绩。集团纯利增长百分之六十八点七,比预期为佳。 Red chip Legend Holdings has
posted a better than expected 68.7 per cent quarterly growth in net profit in the third
quarter to December 31.红筹股 red chips香港红十字会 Red Cross, HK香港红十字会输血服务中心 Red Cross, HK, Blood Transfusion Service Centre红火蚁 red fire ants赤米虾 Red Hard-shelled Shrimp淋红油 red paint was splashed红海 Red Sea红腊 Red Seabream红潮 red tide红虫 red worms/bloodworms红灯区 red-light district赎回 redemptions纠正某物与某物的不平衡 redress the imbalance between something and something减少伤病不严重的病人滥用急症室的情况 reduce abuse by those suffering minor ailments减低营商成本 reduce business costs 语际翻译 版权所有
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