减少工时 reducing working hours被裁人员 redundancy (n); led to over 200 redundancies/result in massive
reducdancies被解雇员工 redundant workers/the sacked workers/the laid-off employees暗礁 reef就是次案件向人大常委会寻求释法 refer the case to the Standing Committee of the National
People's Congress公投议题 referendum issue公投周 referendum week转介程序 referral procedures再融资 refinancing反映港人意愿 reflect Hong Kong people's wishes反映政治现实 reflect the political reality落实问责制精神 reflect the spirit of the accountability system反映人们渴望变得与众不同 reflects a yearning to stand out from the herd反射动作 reflex action反射弧 reflex arc变法、改革 reform改革蓝图 reform blueprint税制改革 reform of the tax system改革方案 reform proposals改革方案 reform proposals改革汇率制度 reform the exchange-rate system改革课程 reform the school curriculum改革课程 reform the school curriculum致力改革的政府 reform-minded administration改革电力市场 reforming the electricity market 语际翻译 版权所有
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