- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 我们对地铁招股过程信心十足。 We are confident the MTRC issue will go well.???
- 我们正考虑采取法律行动。 We are considering legal action.
- 我们这样做是为学生着想。 We are doing this for the students' benefit.
- 我们不排除会有更多人被捕。 We are not ruling out more arrests.
- 现时全球电讯业市况欠佳。 We are now seeing a slowdown in global market conditions in the telecommunications sector.
- 我们将控告他危险驾驶引致他人死亡罪。 We are prepared to charge him for dangerous driving causing deaths of other people.
- 我们依然反对红隧加价。 We are still opposed to the rise in Cross-Harbour Tunnel tolls.
- 我们如履薄冰。 We are treading on thin ice.
- 我们很留意中国人民的口味。 We are very conscious of the taste of the Chinese people.
- 我们经常批评年轻人的英语水平。 We bash the standards of English of young people all the time.
- 我们可以透过沟通建立互信。 We can build mutual trust through communication.
- 我们不能再容忍日本军国主义复辟,香港人一定要站出来抗议。 We can tolerate the revival of Japanese militarism no longer and people in Hong Kong must rise up in protest.
- 我们无法接受有人透过群众运动或示威来推翻政府的行为。 We cannot accept moves to forcibly shake the elected Government with mass movements or demonstrations.
- 我们不能老是议而不决,决而不行。 We cannot always discuss without decisions, make decisions without execution.
- 面对安全问题,我们绝对不能让步。 We cannot compromise safety.
- 我们不能对敌人目中无人的行动坐视不理。 We cannot remain a passive onlooker to the hysteric moves of the enemies.
- 我们可以向学生派发口罩,或要求所有学校停课。 We could issue face masks to all students, we could close down all schools.
- 我们要求当局立即放人。 We demanded the immediate release of all those arrested.
- 我们唇齿相依。 We depend on each other like lips and teeth.
- 未有遇到反抗 we did not receive any resistance
- 我们没有滥用武力。 We didn't use excessive force.
- 我们不想侵犯他们的私隐。 We didn't want to intrude on their privacy.
- 我们不会评论个别事件。 We do not comment on individual cases.
- 我们不想见到社会分化。 We do not want to see the community divided.
- 我们就不同议题和中国交换意见。 We exchange views with China on different issues.