- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 富商 wealthy businessmen/rich businessmen
- 大杀伤力武器 weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
- 枪械训练科 Weapons Training Division
- 武器侦测仪器 weapons-detection gadgets
- 核武原料的钸 weapons-grade plutonium
- 戴安全带 wear seat belts
- 穿著迷彩战衣 wearing coloured shirts and camouflage pants
- 穿著军服/一身戎装 wearing military fatigues
- 仅有一条毛巾蔽体 wearing nothing but a towel
- 佩载后座安全带 wearing rear seat belts
- 厌倦长期备受媒体关注 weary from the media attention
- 天气报告 weather reports
- 天气专家 weather scientist
- 网页 web page
- 网站 website
- 结婚典礼、婚礼 wedding ceremony
- 检出沙士的怀疑染病者 weed out suspected SARS carriers
- 周会 weekly meeting
- 和 Weise驳火exchanged gunfire with Weise
- 欢迎民主派的表态 welcomed the democrats' gesture
- 欢迎辞 welcoming address
- 欢迎仪式 welcoming ceremony
- 福利机构 welfare agencies/welfare organisations
- 福利团体 welfare groups
- 福利政策 welfare policies