- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 被扣作人质 were held hostage
- 收到清拆令 were issued removal orders
- 被扣上手铐及带走 were led away in handcuffs
- 不在中央委员候选人名单中 were not on an initial list of candidates for the new Central Committee
- 不排除有…的可能性 were not ruling out the possibility……
- 正研究判词 were now reviewing the judgment
- 获派首三志愿 were offered places at one of their first three choices
- 购物满一百五十元免费送货 were offering free delivery for purchases over $150
- 参加暑期普通话游学团 were on a Putonghua summer study trip
- 局势紧张 were on edge
- 最后都可能变野味 were probably destined for the dinner table
- 列作第一组别学生 were ranked as band one students
- 得以复职 were reinstated
- 获保释外出等待进一步问话 were released on bail pending further inquiries
- 正尝试振兴/挽救疲弱的经济 were repairing the ailing economy
- 拒捕 were resisting arrest
- 经营色情架步而被捕 were rounded up for managing a vice establishment
- 被裁定没有居港权 were ruled to have no residency rights
- 送到政府化验所进行安全测试 were sent to the Government Laboratory for safety tests
- 被判实时入狱 were sentenced to immediate imprisonment on conviction
- 被枪决 were shot
- 仍然在深切治疗部留医 were still in intensive care units
- 直至昨日仍未能得知抽中/获派多少股 were still in the dark until yesterday as to how many shares they had received
- (尸体)仍然可以辨认 were still recognisable
- 因保安原因被截停并要求更改游行路线 were stopped and told to change the route for security reasons