- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 掀起一场国际风暴 whipping up an international storm
- 挑起宗教战争 whipping up religious hatred
- 威士忌 whisky
- 旅行访问 whistle-stop tour
- 美国白人 white Americans
- 白纸草案 white bill
- 白纸草案 white bill
- 白血球 white blood cell
- 椰菜 White Cabbage
- 大而无当之物 white elephant
- 白质 white matter
- 白萝卜 White Radish
- 白领 white-collar employees
- 珍珠龙虾 White-spotted Lobster
- 掩饰日军二次大战暴行 whitewash atrocities the Japanese army committed during the second world war
- 帮助高官卸责 whitewashing senior officals' responsibility
- 仍然因九一一事件受惊 who are still reeling from the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre on September 11
- 获得法律援助 who had been granted legal aid
- 经常保皇 who often votes with the Government
- 发起游行,由爱丁堡广场游行至政府总部 who organised yesterday's march from Edinburgh Place in Central to government headquarters
- 看来有诚意致力要改弦易辙的人 who seem genuinely committed to doing things differently
- 仍然挟持着人质 who still holding captives
- 有份参与民主派的协调工作 who took part in co-ordination efforts for the pro-democracy camp
- 全日制小学 whole-day primary school
- 批发及零售界 Wholesale and Retail