- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 在普选中大胜 win big in the general election
- 要收买人心,因中产阶级逐渐兴起 win the allegiance of an emerging middle class
- 成功向员工减薪 win the pay-cut battle
- 结束调查 wind up his probe
- 窗口程序代码 Windows source code
- 办公大楼的玻璃幕墙遭吹跌。 Windows were blown out of offices.
- 挡风玻璃 windshield
- 假大空的/空泛的宣传攻势 windy propaganda blitz
- 酒庄 wineries
- 永隆银行 Wing Lung Bank Ltd.
- 温尼伯 Winnipeg
- 保护海港协会主席徐嘉慎 Winston Chu Ka-sun, chairman of the Society for the Protection of the Harbour
- 椰菜花 Winter Cauliflower
- 冬瓜 Winter Melon
- 于二零零六至零七年度达至收支平衡 wipe out the budget deficit by 2006-07
- 屠杀一百四十万只鸡 wiping out 1.4 million chickens
- 智能齿 wisdom teeth
- 希望陈水扁和吕秀莲早日康复 wished Mr Chen and Ms Lu a speedy recovery
- 脚部中枪 with a gunshot wound to his leg
- 联系汇率,加上内地的低廉物价水平和政府的减免措施,令经济学家认为通缩仍会持续。 With a pegged dollar, a cheap mainland market and government rebates, economists see no end in sight to deflation.
- 电盈在如此短时间内配股集资八亿美元,股价难免受压,但对长期投资者而言这正是趁低吸纳的大好时机。 With a US$800 million share placement in such a short time, it is not a surprise that PCCW shares would be under pressure, but at the current price it would be a good buy for long-term investors.
- 未来两年有大约五万个新单位落成,有关当局须采取明智行动,防止楼价再度下滑。 With about 50,000 new flats due to be completed over the next two years, sensible steps need to be taken to arrest further erosion of values.
- 有禽流感症状 with bird-flu symptoms
- 手沾满血,脸给烟熏黑 with bloodied hands and a face blackened by smoke
- 以每日复息计算 with daily compound interest