- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 西医 Western-style doctor
- 水都 wet city
- 有线电视 Wharf Cable Ltd.
- 九仓电讯 Wharf T&T
- 耳髓不平衡患者只要一张开眼,就会感到天旋地转。 What people suffering from Meniere's syndrome feel is that the whole world is turning around your head as soon as you open your eyes.
- 人大的所谓释法并非释法,而是修改基本法。 What they describe as interpretation of the Basic Law from the NPC is in fact making amendments to the Basic Law.
- 是次疫情显示香港无法应付突然发生和严重的公共卫生灾难。 What this contagion has shown is that Hong Kong is ill-prepared to handle a sudden and serious public health incident.
- 香港和内地的关系若出现裂痕,就可能危及香港的未来。 Whatever drives a wedge between Hong Kong and the mainland could imperil the territory's future.
- 轮椅 wheelchair
- 把病人推入呼吸科 wheeled the transfer patient into the respiratory department
- 气喘 wheeze
- 大火一发生,整个舞厅顿时一片混乱。 When fire broke out, the whole dance hall was suddenly thrown into chaos.
- 香港主权在一九九七年七月一日回归中国时,大家都预测这个前英国殖民地,势必失去昔日的个人自由。 When Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty on July 1, 1997, the air was full of forecasts of impending doom for the former British colony's individual freedoms.
- 在那男子身上滴蜡时 when hot wax was dripped on a man
- 草案恢复二读时 when the bill's second reading is due to resume
- 一九八零年代爱滋肆虐这两城市时 when the virus scoured thos cities in the 1980s
- 当知道劫机者被制服,大家不禁拍掌欢呼。 When we were informed of the seizure of the hijacker, there was big applause.
- 去年十一月,房屋及规划地政局局长孙明扬发表其孙九招时,曾表示那是政府最后一次改变房屋政策。 When, last November, housing chief Michael Suen Ming-yeung unveiled his nine-point plan to stop the slump in property prices, he suggested this would be the government's final shift in housing policy.
- 迷信当道的地方 where superstition reigns
- 究竟反对二十三条立法的人算不算爱国 whether opponents of Article 23 could be considered patriotic
- 怀疑会致癌 which is thought to cause cancer
- 调查每十年进行一次 which will be repeated at 10-year intervals
- 廿五人参加地区直选,七人参选功能组别。 While 25 will stand for geographical constituencies, seven will contest functional constituencies.
- 党鞭 whip
- 突然拔枪 whip out a gun