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我们对警方于行动中采取暴力感到既惊且怒。    We feel surprised and angry at the police for using violence during the operation.
我们相信天水围更具发展潜力。    We feel there is greater development potential in Tin Shui Wai.
我们相信大学毕业生今年求职会较过去两年容易。    We feel university graduates should be able to find jobs more easily this year, compared with the past two years.
我们发现拉提法村布满未引爆的小炸弹。    We find the village of Latifa littered with bomblets that haven't gone off yet.
我们派米救济穷人。    We give out rice to practise alms giving for the poor living souls.
我们已激活国安机制/国家安全因应机制。    We have activated the national security mechanism.
我们已被下令不要透露案情。    We have been asked not to divulge anything about this case.
我们有不同票源。    We have different sources of votes.
我们确立了今后发展的定位和路向。    We have established a clear direction and positioning for future development.
我们无意在港岛区分拆名单。我们的目标是在该区赢取两席。    We have no intention of running separate lists on Hong Kong Island. Our goal is to win two seats in the constituency.
今年至今仍未有致命个案。    We have not seen a fatal case so far this year.
我们设立了二亿元的携手扶弱基金。    We have set up a $200 million Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged.
我们成立了跨部门绿化总纲委员会。    We have set up an inter-departmental Greening Master Plan Committee.
我们正视市民对施政的批评,积极响应市民的诉求。    We have taken heed of public criticisms of our governance and responded quickly to the aspirations of people.
我们要累积经验。    We have to accumulate more experience.
我们要累积经验。    We have to accumulate more experience.
我们要顾虑胜算。    We have to consider the chances of winning.
我们要分开政治和教育。    We have to differentiate between politics and education.
我们必须以和平方式表达意见。    We have to express our feelings in a peaceful way.
我们希望在地区直选的五个地区里获得二十五席。    We hope to get 25 seats from five geographical constituencies.
我们必须听取各界人士意见    we must consider views from all sectors of our community
我们要居安思危。    We must stay alert to the challenges that lie ahead.
我们要透过这些渠道听取民意。    We need to listen to people's views through these channels.
如受保人于保单生效日前已染上后天免疫能力缺乏症(爱滋病)将不会获得赔偿。    We shall not pay any benefits for sickness if the covered person was infected with any Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) prior to the policy effective date.
我们将以追求政局稳定和经济增长为首要任务。    We shall pursue political stability and economic growth as our highest priority.
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