- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 挡土墙/护土墙(防山泥倾泻) retaining wall
- 报复 retaliation
- 阻碍学童心智发育和人际关系的发展 retarding their mental maturity and stunting their social skills
- 作呕 retch
- 视网膜 retina
- 退休官员 retired officials
- 退休人士 retired people/retirees
- 退休警察 retired policemen
- 退休高官 retired senior officials
- 巡视救人路线 retrace the rescue route
- 撤回承认失败 retracted his concession
- 收回(证词) retract(vt); He confessed to the murder but later retracted his statement./retract my words
- 再培训 retraining
- 再培训 retraining
- 复古时装 retro fashion
- 回头路 retrograde steps
- 回复零利率政策 return to its zero-interest-rate policy
- 来回车票、来回机票 return/return ticket/round-trip ticket(AmE)
- 在香港短暂停留后飞返(台湾) returned home after a brief stopover in Hong Kong
- 再度被选为立法会议员 returned to the new legislature
- 还富于民 returning wealth to the people
- 和家人重聚 reunited with his family
- (被释放后)与家人重聚 reunited with their families
- 路透社(英) Reuters
- 改变汇价 revalue its currency