- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 后遗伤残 residual disability
- 残余农药 residues of banned pesticides
- 集体辞职、集体请辞、总辞 resign en masse
- 引咎辞职 resigned to assume responsibility
- 适应力强的 resilient
- 抵抗入侵的日本帝国军队 resist the invading forces of imperial Japan
- (东帝汶)独立运动领袖古斯芒 Resistance leader Xanana Gusmao
- 升势受压 resistance to the rise set in
- 被带返警署后拒绝下车 resisted being removed from police vehicles upon their arrival at the police station
- 坚决取缔非法劳工 resolutely clamp down on illegal workers
- 坚守一个中国原则 resolutely protects the one-China principle
- 决议案 resolution
- (劳资双方)和解 resolution (labour)
- 决议 resolution (n) (diplomacy); to pass / adopt / carry a resolution/The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution calling for a halt to hostilities./The resolution was passed by a two-thirds majority.
- 决定 resolution (n); She made a resolution to visit her relatives more often.
- 解决 resolution (u)(sing); the resolution of the dispute/The government is pressing for an early resolution of the hostage crisis.
- 化解矛盾 resolve conflicts
- 解决空气污染问题 resolve the air pollution issue
- 在第二任任期期间解决财赤问题 resolve the budget deficit within his second term
- 透过对话解决分歧 resolving disputes by dialogue
- 以对话化解纷争 resolving disputes through dialogue
- 度假村/度假屋/度假别墅 resort/holiday bungalows
- 资源贫乏的国家 resource-poor country
- 原材料股 resources stocks
- 原材料股票 resources-related stocks