- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 尊重合约精神 respect the spirit of the contract
- 尊重香港的法治 respected Hong Kong's rule of law
- 可吸入悬浮粒子 respirable suspended particulates
- 呼吸器 respirator
- 呼吸系专科医师 respiratory disease specialist
- 呼吸器疾病 Respiratory diseases
- 呼吸道分泌物 respiratory droplets
- 呼吸道疾病 respiratory illnesses
- 呼吸道 respiratory tract
- 暂托服务 respite service
- 不安的负资产人士 restive homeowners owing more on their mortgages than their property is worth
- 五年内达致收支平衡 restore a fiscal balance within 5 years
- 挽回公信力 restore credibility
- 挽回日益下降的民望 restore dwindling public trust
- 转亏为盈 restore fiscal balance/has returned to the black
- 恢复市民对前景的信心 restore people's confidence in their future
- 挽回公众对公屋信心 restore public confidence in public housing
- 挽回传媒公信力 restore public trust in the media
- 稳定金融市场 restore stability to financial markets
- 重修旧好/重建邦交 restore/normalize diplomatic relations
- 恢复高地价政策 restored a high land-price policy
- 重建市民对房地产的信心 restoring the public's confidence in the property market
- 不准穿著校服人士内进 restrict entry to anyone in school uniform
- 有限制牌照银行 restricted licensed bank
- 规定学生和家长向学校购买各项对象 restricted students and parents to buying items only from their school