- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 改组行政会议 revamp the Executive Council
- 公布稳定楼巿措施 reveal new measures to stabilise the property market
- 公布受感染大厦名单 revealed the locations of buildings where SARS victims live
- 纵酒狂欢的人、寻欢作乐的人 reveller
- 车站上盖物业发展收入 revenue from property developments above the stations
- 觉光法师 Reverend Kok Kwong
- 收回向该备受欢迎的市长拒发签证的决定 reverse the decision not to grant a visa to the popular mayor
- 因应民愤而改变决定 reversed their decision after a public outcry
- 令香港民主倒退 reversing the democratic trend in Hong Kong
- 扭转美元弱势 reversing the weakening dollar trend
- 政府收回拥有权 reverts to government ownership
- 投标投诉审裁组织 Review Body on Bid Challenges
- 研究其它支线计划 review other alignment proposals
- 检讨公屋的租金水平 review public housing rent levels
- 检讨港台角色 review the role of RTHK
- 检讨收费以确保津贴用得其所 reviewed the charges to see whether subsidies were being used correctly
- 把日本二零零三年的经济增长预测从百分之零点八提升至百分之二 revising its projected 2003 economic-growth rate for Japan from 0.8% to 2.0%
- 重返案发现场 revisited the crime scene
- 复兴农业 revive its farm industry
- 振兴楼市 revive property activity
- 振兴低迷的楼市 revive the flagging property market
- 恢复一些手部动作 revived some hand dexterity
- 恢复殖民地传统 reviving the colonial tradition
- 恢复以巴间的和平进程 reviving the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians
- 废除 revoke