- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 清拆僭建物 remove illegal structures
- 取消过时或不必要的规管 remove outdated or unnecessary regulations
- 把示威者驱离政府总部/在政府总部清场 remove protesters from government HQ
- 清理瓦砾 remove the debris
- 扫除劣质公司 remove the worst-performing stocks
- 移走富户 remove wealthy tenants
- 脱去她的所有衣服 removed all her clothing
- 脱去女儿内裤 removed his daughter's underpants
- 罢免特首 removed the chief executive from office
- 肾动脉 renal artery
- 肾静脉 renal vein
- 廷续专营权 renew its franchise
- 可再生能源 renewable energy
- 可更新资源 renewable resources
- 延续商台牌照十二年 renewing Commercial Radio's licence for a further 12 years
- 要求北京宣布放弃对台湾使用武力 renounce the use of force against the island
- 翻新残旧的楼宇 renovate their rundown buildings
- 著名的 renowned
- 以…著名的 renowned for something
- 旺角的租金非常昂贵。 Rent in Mongkok is very expensive.
- 可租可买计划 Rent or Buy Option Scheme
- 租住屋 rental estates
- 租金收入 rental income
- 重新展开谈判 reopen dialogue/reopen negotiations/put the talks back on track
- 重开公众泳池 reopen public swimming pools