- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 放弃议席 relinquished his seat
- (工厂的)迁移 relocation
- 发梦期睡眠行为紊乱症 REM sleep behaviour disorder
- 留下来任集团顾问 remain a consultant to the group
- 留任军委会主席 remain as chairman of the powerful Central Military Commission
- 逍遥法外 remain at large
- 面对中共的盛怒要保持信心 remain confident in the face of Beijing's wrath
- 保持中立 remain impartial
- 留院观察 remain in hospital under observation
- 在港没有着落 remain in limbo in Hong Kong
- 继续反对实行最低工资 remain opposed to introducing a minimum wage
- 质疑「商人治港」的做法 remain sceptical over the scenario of businesspeople ruling Hong Kong
- 对楼市前景仍有信心 remained confident of the market prospect
- (指病)没有发作 remained dormant
- 要留院,情况稳定 remained in a stable condition
- 认为政府兴建十号干线的理据并不充分 remained unconvinced by the Government's reasons for building Route 10
- 仍未推出市场出售 remained unsold
- 仍然是计时炸弹(指问题) remains a powderkeg
- 正以一千万美元保释候审 remains free on US $10 million bail
- 仍在机上 remains on board
- 仍受负资产困扰 remains trapped in negative equity
- 把他们还押监房 remanded them in custody
- 在前妻死后再婚 remarry after the death of his first wife
- 不断上升的失业率 remorseless rise in unemployment
- 遥控炸弹 remote-activated bombs