相关学科 related disciplines日本与北韩的关系,近月亦因北韩涉嫌上周派遣两艘间谍船,闯进日本海域,而变得更紧张。 Relations between Tokyo and
Pyongyang soured further after the alleged intrusion of North Korean spy ships into
Japanese waters last week.放松 relax放宽旅客签证限制 relax visa restrictions on tourists放宽内地来港游客的限制 relaxing curbs on mainland visitors放宽外地人士来港投资的入境政策 relaxing restrictions on the entry of overseas investors to
Hong Kong转达特首关注 relayed Mr Tung's concern释放你们手上所有人质 release all your hostages加推更多单位满足买家需求 release more units to meet buyers' interest公开刑事案中疑犯和受害者的名字 release the names of suspects and victims in criminal cases
释放负面情绪 release the negative emotions公布乐园的入场人次 release the park attendance figures发表宣言 released a manifesto发请愿信支持被捕学生 released a petition in support of the arrested students准许该对夫妇以五万元补释 released the couple on $50,000 bail舍利 relic救援物资 relief goods纾缓住户缴交差饷的负担 relieve the burden of ratepayers纾缓市民的困境/纾解民困 relieve the hardships of our people/ease the public's economic
pain/relieve the plight of the masses/soothe the people's plight减少港岛区的塞车情况 relieve traffic congestion on Hong Kong Island纾缓压力 relieving stress宗教仪式 religious ceremonies宗教领袖 religious leader宗教研究 religious study交出权力 relinquish power 语际翻译 版权所有
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