- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 四肢 limbs
- 减少对附近居民所造成的滋扰 limit disruption to people living nearby
- 避免把争论的范围扩大/减少分化 limit the scope of contention
- 限制政党的发展空间 limited the scope for political parties to develop
- 限量版的罐头 limited-edition cans
- 限量版饰针 limited-edition pins
- 限制公司造成温室效应气体的排放量 limits its greenhouse-gas emissions
- 一瘸一拐地走 limp
- 岭南大学(岭大) Lingnan University
- 擦剂 liniment
- 领汇主席郑明训 Link chief Paul Cheng Ming-fun
- 领汇房地产信托基金 Link Reit/Link Real Estate Investment Trust
- 薪酬和表现挂钩 linking pay to performance/linking pay with performance
- 依然只限于计算机专家使用。Linux is still the preserve of geeks. Linux
- 狮子山 Lion Rock
- 狮子山隧道 Lion Rock Tunnel
- 狮子山隧道公路 Lion Rock Tunnel Road
- 护唇膏/润唇膏 lip balm
- 脂肪 lipid
- 立顿黄牌红茶 Lipton Yellow Label Tea
- 石油气 liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
- 皂液 liquid soap
- 原价 list price
- 上市公司 listed companies
- 科技龙头股(盈动) listed technology flagship