- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 救生圈 life buoy/lifebuoy
- 平均预期寿命 life expectancy
- 人寿保险 life insurance
- 在保单生效一年内,不论在神志清醒或不清醒的情况下自杀身亡,将不获身故赔偿。 Life Insurance Benefit is not payable if the insured person commits suicide within the first policy year, whether sane or insane.
- 寿险公司 life insurance company
- 救生衣 life jacket
- 美国昨日减息,全球股市上扬,股市重拾生气。 Life returned to the stock market yesterday when a surprise cut in US interest rates sent shares around the globe soaring.
- 终身监禁 life sentences
- 生活技能 life skills
- 提升国内妇女的地位 life the status of women in the country
- 终身学习 life-long learning
- 终身学习 life-long learning
- 终身学习中心 life-long learning centers
- 终身学习中心 life-long learning centers
- 救生艇 lifeboat
- 升降机槽、电梯槽 lift shaft
- 解除禁令 lift the ban
- 为某事揭开序幕 lift the curtain on something
- 将压着私家车的货车吊起 lift the truck off the car
- 取消中国的进口配额 lifted quotas on Chinese imports
- 撤除旅游限制 lifting travel restrictions
- 韧带 ligament
- 轻铁 Light Rail
- (以色列执政)利库德集团 Likud party
- 鲜百合 lily bulbs