晶状体 lens配镜师 lens dispenser扁豆 Lentil狮子座流星 Leonid meteors豹猫 leopard cat东星斑 Leopard Coral Grouper痲疯 leprosy减轻他们的负担 lessening their burden减轻发生动乱的机会 lessens the potential for unrest既往不咎 let bygones be bygones让他躺平身子 let him lie flat让货币贬值 let the value of its currency slip西生菜 Lettuce白血病 leukemia公务员工会联合会主席梁筹庭 Leung Chau-ting, president of the Federation of Civil Service
Unions梁国雄 Leung Kwok-hung入境处首席入境事务主任梁炳焜 Leung Ping-kwan, Principle Immigration Officer
(Investigation)梁耀忠 Leung Yiu-chung把两座世贸中心夷为平地 levelling two blocks of the World Trade Centre针对某人进行不公平的批评 lever unfair criticism at somebody征收、征税 levy (n)/(vt); to put / impose a levy on oil imports人大常委会法工委副主任李飞 Li Fei, deputy director of the Legislative Affairs Commission
under the Standing Committee全国人大常委会法制工作委员会副主任李飞 Li Fei, vice-chairman of the Legal Affairs Commission
under the National People's Congress Standing Committee李凤英 Li Fung-ying李嘉诚名下的和记黄埔公布业绩,盈利之多破尽香港纪录。 Li Ka-shing's Hutchison Whampao has reported the
biggest profit in Hong Kong's corporate history. 语际翻译 版权所有
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