反应冷淡 lukewarm名人 luminary疙瘩、肿块 lump年宵市场 Lunar New Year fair年宵花市 Lunar New Year flower market年花 Lunar New Year plants/Lunar New Year flowers肺癌 lung cancer龙鼓滩 Lung Kwu Tan引入内地优秀人才 lure the best brains from the mainland力诱迪士尼公司于香港兴建主题公园 lured Disney to the SAR叶黄素 lutein豪宅 luxury development豪华游艇 luxury yachts豪宅租金 luxury-residential rents吕宋岛 Luzon茄红素 lycopene倒卧于血泊中 lying dead in a pool of blood半昏迷躺在床上 lying semi-conscious in bed in a hotel room莱姆病 Lyme disease淋巴液 lymph淋巴结 lymph node淋巴管 lymph vessels淋巴系统 lymphatic system里昂 Lyon(France)燕尾星斑 Lyretail 语际翻译 版权所有
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