- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 劳工界 Labour
- 劳工处 Labour Department
- 劳工市场 labour market
- 工党 Labour Party
- 劳改营 labour reform camp/labour camp/gulag
- 缺乏自信心 lack self-esteem
- 缺乏危机感 lacked a sense of crisis
- 缺乏基层支持和社区工作经验 lacked grassroots support and community-work experience
- 和中国没有疑犯引渡协议 lacks an extradition agreement with the mainland
- 缺乏方向 lacks direction
- 缺乏教育意义 lacks educational value
- 无法控制交通流量 lacks the ability to regulate traffic flows
- 泪管 lacrimal duct
- 哺乳中的女性/授乳妇女 lactating women/nursing moms
- 乳管 lactiferous duct
- 奶素主义 lacto-vegetarianism
- 乳糖 lactose
- 人妖 ladyboys
- 拉各斯 Lagos(Nigeria)
- (中国西部)比沿海繁荣城镇落后很多 lags well behind thriving coastal areas
- 荔枝角 Lai Chi Kok
- 荔景 Lai King
- 发表一项新政策 laid out a new policy
- 伊利湖 Lake Erie
- 大闸蟹 Lake Green Crab