- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 休伦湖 Lake Huron
- 密歇根湖 Lake Michigan
- 安大略湖 Lake Ontario
- 苏必利尔湖 Lake Superior
- 林锦公路 Lam Kam Road
- 中银国际副董事长林广兆 Lam Kwong-siu, deputy chief executive of the Bank of China's international branch
- 香港大学医学院院长林兆鑫表示钟的离任是香港(医学界)的损失。 Lam Siu-kam, dean of the faculty of medicine at the University of Hong Kong, said Professor Chung's departure would be a loss to Hong Kong.
- 蓝田 Lam Tin
- 蓝塘海峡 Lam Tong Hoi Hap/Tathong Channel
- 林村 Lam Tsuen
- 跛脚鸭政府 lame-duck governments
- 南丫岛 Lamma Island
- 案发时十五岁的林天龙 Lam, then aged 15
- 智利航空公司 Lanchile Airlines
- 陆路离境税 land border departure tax/land departure fee
- 土地发展公司 Land Development Corporation
- 批地计划 land disposal programme
- 地契 land lease
- 地雷 land mines
- 土地注册处处长苏启龙 Land Registrar Mr Kim Anthony Salkeld
- 土地注册条例 Land Registration Ordinance
- 土地注册处 Land Registry
- 土地拍卖是政府的主要收入来源。 Land sales are a prime source of government revenue.
- 土地测量条例 Land Survey Ordinance
- 陆路运输成本 land transport costs