- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 好色 lascivious
- 激光打印机 laser printer
- 雷射矫视手术 LASIK eye surgery
- 末代港督彭定康 last governor Chris Patten
- 资方因经济衰退,生意额下降,拟削减员工加班津贴达百分之十六,引起劳方不满,在昨夜采取工业行动抗议。 Last night's action is in protest against a proposal to cut overtime allowances by up to 16 per cent in the wake of falling business due to the economic downturn.
- 最后交易价格、对上收市价 last traded price
- 上星期,中环四方街一个铝窗坠下,击碎了街上一架车辆的挡风玻璃,割伤了司机双手。 Last week, a window frame fell on a car in Square Street, Central, shattering its windscreen and causing cuts to the driver's hands.
- 去年有二万六千个单位落成。 Last year 26,000 flats were completed.
- 去年,政府表示会投入发展该项计划,并把计划招标,交予私人发展商发展。 Last year, the government said it was committed to the project and intended to put it out to tender to the private sector.
- 最后邀请 last-ditch bid
- 最后谈判 last-ditch negotiation
- 被绑十一岁男童遭受长期痛苦。 Lasting distress was likely to have been caused to the 11-year-old boy.
- 延误就医是死亡率高企的主要原因。 Late treatment was a major reason for the high death rate.
- 最近的人质事件 latest hostage incident
- 公共厕所 latrine
- 拉脱维亚(里加) Latvia(Riga)
- 刘千石 Lau Chin-shek
- 流浮山 Lau Fau Shan
- 刘江华 Lau Kong-wah
- 刘皇发 Lau Wong-fat
- 维也纳航空公司 Lauda Air
- 发动圣战 launch a jihad
- 推出月票 launch a monthly pass
- 发起签名运动 launch a signature campaign
- 成立独立调查委员会,调查上月的立法会选举事故 launch an independent inquiry into the blunders surrounding last month's Legislative Council election