

执法机构    law enforcement agencies
律师行    law firm
法律改革委员会    Law Reform Commission
香港法律改革委员会    Law Reform Commission of Hong Kong
奉公守法的市民    law-abiding citizens
执法机关/执法单位    law-enforcement agencies
执法人员    law-enforcement officials
藐视法律的    law-flouting
立法会可引用特权,要求政府响应。    Lawmakers might invoke special powers to seek government answers.
立法会周五通过于下个学年削减大学拨款一成。    Lawmakers voted on Friday to slash university spending by 10 per cent in the coming academic year.
连串公屋丑闻曝光后,立法会议员以大比数通过对两名房屋署高官的不信任动议。    Lawmakers yesterday passed an overwhelming vote of no confidence in two top housing officials following a series of public scandals.
诉讼(尤指非刑事案件)    lawsuit (n); A lawsuit is a charge, claim, or complaint against someone that is made in a court of law by a private person or company, not by the police or state./filed a lawsuit against sb over sth
律师    lawyer/attorney(AmE); In American English a lawyer is often called a counsellor (also spelt counselor ) or, especially if he or she speaks in court, an attorney. In British English a lawyer who speaks in court is called a barrister, while a solicitor works mainly from an office, but may also appear in the less formal and important courts.
麻原彰晃的辩护律师实时提出上诉,激活的法律程序可能长达十年。    Lawyers for Asahara immediately appealed, setting in motion legal proceedings that could last 10 years.
轻泻剂    laxative
放下武器    lay down their arms/lay down their weapons
放下武器,参与救援工作    lay down their weapons and join the relief efforts
液晶屏幕    LCD (liquid crystal displays)
过健康的生活    lead a healthy life
带领香港走出经济低谷/带领香港经济走出困境    lead Hong Kong out of its economic woes/lead Hong Kong out of the present economic difficulties
导人迷信    lead people into superstition
铅中毒    lead poisoning
影响居民的生活质素    lead to a deterioration in the quality of life for residents
引发公众骚乱    lead to civil unrest
含铅汽油    leaded petrol
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