引领香港走歪路 leading Hong Kong in the wrong direction各大政党昨日强烈反对政府在下个财政年度开征销售税,认为会削弱本港正在复苏的经济。 Leading political parties
expressed strong opposition yesterday to the introduction of a sales tax in the next
financial year, claiming it would hurt the recovering economy.传单人 leaflets绿叶蔬菜 leafy green vegetables泄露国家机密 leaking state secrets向外国媒体泄露国家机密 leaking state secrets to foreign media(公司)精简的 lean用高压手段对付某国/向某国施压 lean heavily on somebody跳楼自杀 leaped to her own death超越其它竞争对手 leapfrog the competition大大增进对政府运作的了解 learn a great deal about the functioning of the government
得悉高考成绩 learn their A-level exam results学习面对和解决问题 learn to face up to problems and find solutions学习面对和解决问题 learn to face up to problems and find solutions以母语学习 learning in the mother tongue不关掉引擎 leave engine idling离开家人到海外读医 leave her family behind to study medicine overseas投废票 leave their ballot papers blank黎巴嫩(贝鲁特) Lebanon(Beirut)只比对手多二千票 led by fewer than 2,000 votes带领数千名愤怒的支持者在总统府外无限期静坐 led several thousand outraged loyalists to an
indefinite sit-in outside the Predient's office负责民主派的选举协调工作 led the democrats' co-ordination effort李卓人 Lee Cheuk-yan新加坡的李光耀依然喜欢在幕后操纵大局。 Lee Kuan Yew still likes to jerk the strings backstage
in Singapore.李文和 Lee Wen-ho??? 语际翻译 版权所有
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