李国英 Li Kwok-ying李育辉 Li Yuhui联络事务科 Liaison Bureau中央人民政府联络办公室 Liaison Office of the Central People's Government国务院港澳办主任廖晖 Liao Hui, director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office
诽谤文 libel (n)/(vt); sue the newspaper for libel/sb had been libelled in an
article(日本)自民党 Liberal Democratic Party广泛教育 liberal education广泛教育 liberal education自由党 Liberal Party自由党主席兼行政会议成员田北俊表示关注香港市民对社会广泛不满。 Liberal Party chairman and executive
councillor James Tien Pei-chun said he was concerned that there was widespread
discontent in Hong Kong society.自由党主席田北俊亦表示单一招标并非唯一的选择。 Liberal Party leader James Tien Pei-chun also said
the single-developer approach was not the only option.自由党立法会议员周梁淑怡解释由于自由党和政府在二十三条问题上的立场迥异,田北俊别无选择,只有退出。 Liberal Party legislator
Selina Chow Liang Shuk-yee said Mr Tien had ''no choice'' but to quit Mr Tung's cabinet.
This was because the Liberal Party and the Government had adopted a different stance on
Article 23, she explained.通识课 liberal studies通识科将会列为中学的必修科。 Liberal studies would be phased in as a compulsory secondary
subject.通识科将会列为中学的必修科。 Liberal studies would be phased in as a compulsory secondary
subject.开放各行各业 liberalise various sectors好色的、淫荡的 libidinous性欲 libido; loss of libido利眠宁/绿豆仔 Librium利眠宁/绿豆仔 Librium持牌银行 licensed bank虚报上班时间 lie about the time they arrive at office在互联网上以虚假身分(结识朋友) lie about their identity in Internet chat rooms连战 Lien Chan 语际翻译 版权所有
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