不合时宜 is no longer suitable我们不会为……提供保养服务/无保养 is not covered by our warranty保险公司不会作出赔偿 is not insured不是弹指间可完成的事 is not something that can be done in the click of a finger不是经空气传播 is not transmitted by air只是假咨询 is not true consultation目前在拘留所服刑 is now doing time in a detention centre现正住院接受治疗 is now in hospital for treatment下台压力势将越来越大 is now likely to come under increased pressure to resign现已登上杂志封面 is now magazine-cover数字在上升 is on the rise脱离危险期 is out of danger有累积假期 is owed leave热衷于某事 is passionate about something由八百人组成的选举委员会选出 is picked by an 800-member election committee百病缠身 is pursued by countless ailments and afflictions重整业务,把部分业务迁往内地运作 is restructuring through relocation of operations to the
mainland将于二零零八年底前峻工 is scheduled for completion by the end of 2008因藐视法庭罪入狱四个月,现正服刑 is serving a four-month jail term for contempt of court
怀孕七个月 is seven months pregnant依然没有发表白纸草案作进一步咨询 is still not granting further consultation in the form of
a white bill依然是最大卖点 is still the main drawcard手头紧 is strapped for cash正在美国攻读博士学位 is studying for a doctoral degree in the US首次在该区进行竞选/拉票活动 is taking to the hustings for the first time in an area 语际翻译 版权所有
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