我们一见如故。 It seems as if we have been friends for many years.这应该交由联合国来做,而非由美国单方面去做(一意孤行)。 It should all be done through the United
Nations and not unilaterally by the United States.这显示医生对病人完全漠不关心。 It shows a total lack of care and concern to the patient.
那显示出执法的决心。 It suggests that there is a determination to enforce the law.
有多少成本会转嫁至消费者身上仍不明确。 It was also not clear how much of the cost would be
passed on to consumers.他们对楼市前景审慎乐观。 It was cautiously optimistic over the outlook for the property
market.这是陈水扁的惯常伎俩,用以争取更多人支持购买大量武器的计划。 It was Chen's usual trick to get more
support for the huge arms purchase programme.那肯定是枪击。 It was definitely a gun attack.估计是次招股超额认购达一千五百倍。 It was estimated the shares would be 1,500 times
oversubscribed.不应以(昨天的)卖地结果作为预测未来地价和楼价的准则。 It was not advisable to predict land and
property prices on the basis of the auction outcome.向牠注射毒针,人道毁灭。 It was put down by lethal injection.火警于五十分钟后救熄。 It was put out after 50 minutes.失业率已连续四个月下降,是本年三月沙士爆发以来最低水平。 It was the fourth consecutive month that the
jobless rate has fallen. It is now the lowest since March, before Sars hit the city.
该股成交金额仅次于中国人寿,成交量为四亿零九百七十万股,成交金额二十一亿五千万元。 It was the second most heavily
traded stock after China Life Insurance, with 409.7 million shares worth $2.15 billion
changing hands.这是温家宝在少于两年内第二度访问深圳。 It was the second visit by Mr Wen to Shenzhen in less
than two years.失业率已连续三季攀升。 It was the third consecutive quarter the jobless rate had
risen.产品因为太复杂而无法成为主流。 It was too complex to make it into the mainstream.偷渡人士通常会先付订金,到了美国后再做非法劳工来偿还余数。 It was usual practice for stowaways to make
only a downpayment before setting off, with the rest of the loan to be repaid over
several years by working illegally in the US.偷渡人士通常会先付订金,到了美国后再做非法劳工来偿还余数。 It was usual practice for stowaways to make
only a downpayment before setting off, with the rest of the loan to be repaid over
several years by working illegally in the US.这会增加香港出口商的成本。 It will add cost to Hong Kong exporters.那将是三输局面。 It will be a triple-lose situation.它将于五年内落成。 It will be completed in five years.这将有助两岸以平等地位展开公开和积极的对话。 It will be conducive to opening constructive
dialogue between the two sides (of the Taiwan Strait) on an equal basis.林百欣须付七百二十万元保释金以获准离台。 It will cost Lim $7.2 million in bail money to leave
Taiwan.这些措施虽会对财赤造成压力,却是值得花的。 It will impose some pressure on the fiscal side, but
we believe that it is necessary to spend the money. 语际翻译 版权所有
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