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我相信他没有以权谋私。    I believe that he did not do it for personal gain.
我相信这将是一次平和的释法,相信会令港人接受。    I believe the outcome of the interpretation will be moderate and acceptable to the Hong Kong people. It's not very domineering or like imposing something on Hong Kong.
我可以自拍。    I can take self-portraits.
我不能出卖台湾人民,也不能出卖自己的良心。    I cannot betray the people of Taiwan, nor can I betray my own conscience.
我很清楚知道一个健康市场的运作是需要绝对自由的信息流通。    I clearly understand the operation of a healthy market requires an absolutely free flow of information.
我考虑了足足两日两夜。    I considered it seriously for two days and two nights.
我绝对不同意他们是爱国的。    I definitely don't agree they are patriots.
我没有申报自己是富亚的股东。    I didn't declare my interest in Asia Ford.
我想他可能捱/撑不过二十四小时。    I didn't think he'd last 24 hours.
我不认为加息对香港经济会有重大影响。    I don't expect the interest rate rises to have any big effect on the Hong Kong economy.
我对他们没有怨恨。    I don't have any ill-feeling towards them.
我没有接受过任何技术训练。    I don't have any technical training.
我不喜欢他们直播赛马。    I don't like their live broadcast of horse-racing meetings.
我乐于获得同工同酬。    I enjoy getting equal pay for equal work.
我对教育成为攻击政府的工具,感到难过。    I feel sad that education has been used as a means to attack the government.
我每天约收到150封电邮。    I get about 150 e-mails a day.
我生于基督教家庭。    I grew up in a Christian home.
我全身都被玻璃刮伤。    I had cuts all over my body from the glass.
我用了震机。    I had it on vibrate.
我在香港已浪费太多时间在行政工作。    I have been spending too much time on the administration work in Hong Kong.
我想参选已久。    I have considered standing for the election for a long time.
我决定不参与七月的特首补选。    I have decided not to take part in the by-election of the chief executive in July.
我决定尊重他的意愿。    I have decided to respect his wish.
我做的爱国的事比他多很多。    I have done much more patriotic work than him.
目前冇话佢违法,但唔代表以后唔会违法。    I have never said Falun Gong has breached the law. But they might do that in the future.
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