- 香港新闻工作者从业词典 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 我从未见过有政府官员在立法会里受人威胁。 I have never seen any government official being threatened in the [Legco] chamber.
- 我对所做一切问心无愧。 I have no qualms over what I have done.???
- 我对我所做的绝不后悔。 I have no regret for whatever I have done.
- 我不用隐瞒任何事。/我光明磊落。 I have nothing to hide.
- 我没想过参选。 I haven't thought of joining the race.
- 你们在市场经济这个海洋里面学游泳,我希望你们不要学得太精明了,精明到唯利是图也不行啦。不要忘记我们自己的身份是什么,我们大部分甚至全部都是共产党员,所以一定要自律。 I hope that as you swim in the sea of the market economy you will not become too clever as to consider making profits only. Don't forget our identity - most or all of us are communists - we need to exercise self-discipline.
- 我知道这些病一定是丈夫传染给我,因为我从来没有其它的性伴侣。 I knew they were from my husband because I've never betrayed him.
- 我完全失声。 I lost my voice altogether.
- 我暗中祈祷。 I mutely recite a prayer.
- 我祈祷愿他安息。 I prayed for the repose of his soul.
- 我真的希望香港人不要吝啬捐赠器官 I really hope Hong Kong people are more generous with organ donations.
- 我痛恨民进党出此下策/技俩。 I resent that the Democratic Progressive Party used this trick.
- 我衷心希望香港同胞能以香港的长期繁荣稳定的大局为重,以长远和根本利益为重。 I sincerely hope that Hong Kong compatriots can put the city's long-term prosperity and stability as well as their long-term fundamental interests as the priority.
- 我希望社会各界冷静理性,求同存异,摒除成见,致力就香港的政制发展达成共识。 I urge various quarters of the community to be calm and rational and set aside differences, disputes and pre-conceived notions, and and strive for a consensus on the constitutional development in Hong Kong.
- 我第一天上班要洗厕所。 I was given the job of cleaning the toilets on my first day at work.
- 我去做全身检查。 I went for a full-medical check-up.
- 我扭伤了腰。 I wrenched my waist.
- 我恐怕大部分低下阶层都未能受惠于经济复苏。 I'm afraid many of the lower strata of society still aren't benefiting from the pickup of the economy.
- 我状态很差。 I'm so out of condition.
- 我已经完成历史任务。 I've already finished my historical task.
- 我学会了更多社交技巧。 I've learned more social skills.
- 吾未见好德如好色者 I've never seen the man who loves virtue as well as sex.
- M董事长兼执行长路易葛斯纳Louis Gerstner, chairman and CEO, IBM Corp. IB
- 伊巴丹 Ibadan(Nigeria)
- 西班牙国家航空 Iberia