非法获取国家机密 illegally obtaining state secrets非婚生子女 illegitimate children/children born out of wedlock私生子 illegitimate son黑社会的非法活动 illicit activities of triad gangs目不识丁 illiterate第一台 iMac于九八年五月上市,刺激苹果计算机在接下来的两年股价上升了三倍。iMac共售出六百万台。The original iMac, which
launched in May 1998, sparked a 400% Apple-stock surge during the next two years, and
has sold more than 6 million units.伊玛目(回教长者) Imam模仿色情影片中的女角 imitate actresses of pornographic films直属上司 immediate boss实时豁免十八个贫穷国家的四百亿美元欠债 immediately cancels US$40 billion in debt owed by 18
nations立即加息半厘 immediately lifting their lending and deposit rates by half a
percentage point美国移民归化局 Immigration and Naturalisation Service入境事务处 Immigration Department移民局官员 immigration officials入境条例 Immigration Ordinance移民政策 immigration policy入境程序 immigration procedures免疫反应 immune response免疫系统 immune system抑制免疫力的药剂 immunosuppressants僵局 impasse (sing); Negotiations seemed to have reached an impasse.弹劾(克林顿) impeachment帝国主义 imperialism实施专科教学 implement specialised teaching在医院采取严格的防止感染措施 implement strict infection-control measures in hospitals
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