

它给我力量和平安。    It gave me strength and peace.
(广州港)去年的吞吐量达一亿五千万吨。    It handled 150 million tonnes of cargo last year.
配备四百万像素和三倍光学变焦镜头。    It has 4.0 megapixels and a 3X optical zoon lens.
这比存定期好。    It is a better alternative to fixed savings.
这有碍观瞻,而且不合卫生。    It is a blot on the landscape and a potential health hazard.
他们难以负担购买计算机的费用,故未能紧贴最新社会信息。    It is difficult for them to pay for assess to computers to keep abreast of changes in society.
必须得到社会共识,寻求全面的解决方案。    It is essential to gain a community consensus to find comprehensive solutions.
这是香港有史以来最严重的交通事故。    It is Hong Kong's worst ever traffic accident.
上周长城汽车集资时,投资者要四处奔波来回各家银行分行找申请表。今次希望不会重蹈覆辙。    It is hoping to prevent a repeat of scenes last week, when investors were forced to scurry from one bank branch to another in search of applications for the stock offering by mainland car maker Great Wall Automobile Holding.
发型是叶太最常被讽刺漫画讽刺的对象。    It is Ip's hair that is most frequently caricatured.
它仍然会在背后发挥影响力。    It is likely to continue to exert power behind the scenes.
立法是我们的责任。    It is our duty to proceed with the enactment of the legislation.
找工作仍然颇困难。    It is still quite difficult to find employment.
这是星航首宗有人罹难的意外。    It is the first accident involving fatalities in the history of Singapore Airlines.
取消遗产税后,最大的得益者是中产。    It is the middle class that will benefit most if we abolish estate duty.
那是两害相权取其轻的道理。    It is the principle of the lesser evil.
是时候把事件告一段落,让大学继续从事学术工作。    It is time that we put the matter to rest and let the universities get on with their academic work.
用粗口骂人无疑惹人反感。    It is totally distasteful to hear people swear.
把失败推到巴基斯坦的头上十分方便。    It is very convenient to put the failure on Pakistan.
我别无他法。    It leaves me with no alternative.
(台风)于下午三时在船湾淡水湖登陆。    It made landfall at Plover Cove reservoir at 3pm.
这会危害香港法院制度的完整性。    It put the integrity of the Judiciary in jeopardy.
有关事件引起大众关注传媒操守    it raised awareness of media ethics
仍长存于大家的集体记忆    it remains firmly embedded in the collective memory
这显示特首「不信任公务员」    it revealed Mr Tung's ''mistrust in civil servants''
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