这是不是双重标准? Is this a case of double standards?是她的热门接任人选 is tipped to succeed her透过体液传播 is transmitted through body fluids正在接受治疗 is undergoing treatment种牛痘 is vaccinated with cowpox回教 Islam伊斯兰狂热份子 Islamic fanatics伊斯兰原教主义份子 Islamic fundamentalists伊斯兰国家 Islamic nations东区走廊 Island Eastern Corridor离岛区 Islands获得共十二张 ISO 9000的品质认证obtained a total of 12 ISO 9000 certificates异黄酮素 isoflavone在国际社会里孤立台湾 isolate Taiwan from the international community隔离病床 isolation beds隔离病房 isolation wards以色列总统卡察夫 Israeli President Moshe Katzav以巴冲突 Israeli-Palestinian conflict以色列(耶路撒冷) Israel(Jerusalem)以色列总理巴拉克 Isreali Prime Minister Ehud Barak发表关于医疗融资的咨询文件 issue a consultation paper on health-care financing公布优生法 issue a eugenics law向台湾国防部长发签证 issue a visa to Taiwan Defence Minister发行总值二百亿元的债券 issue bonds worth $20 billion每天公布珠三角空气污染指数 issue daily air quality data for the Pearl River Delta 语际翻译 版权所有
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