第十五条夫妻双方都有参加生产、工作、学习和社会活动的自由,一方不得对他方加以限制或干涉。 Article 15 Both husband and wife shall have the freedom to engage in production and other work, to study and to participate in social activities; neither party may restrict or interfere with the other party.第十五条制造民用枪支的企业,由国务院有关主管部门提出,由国务院公安部门确定。 Article 15 Enterprises that are to manufacture guns for civilian use shall be proposed by the relevant competent department under the State Council and determined by the public security department under the State Council.第十五条常务委员会决定提请全国人民代表大会会议审议的法律案,应当在会议举行的一个月前将法律草案发给代表。 Article 15 For a bill which the Standing Committee has decided to submit to the upcoming session of the National People's Congress for deliberation, the draft law shall be distributed to the delegates one month prior to the commencement of the session.第十五条精神病人在不能辨认或者不能控制自己行为的时候造成危害结果的,不负刑事责任;但是应当责令他的家属或者监护人严加看管和医疗。 Article 15 If a mental patient causes dangerous consequences at a time when he or she is unable to recognize or control his or her own conduct, he or she shall not bear criminal responsibility, however, his or her family or guardian shall be ordered to make him or her under strict custody and give medical treatment.第十五条有下列情形之一的,不追究刑事责任,已经追究的,应当撤销案件,或者不起诉,或者终止审理,或者宣告无罪: Article 15 In any of the following circumstances, no criminal responsibility shall be investigated; if investigation has already been undertaken, the case shall be dismissed, or prosecution shall not be initiated, or the handling shall be terminated, or innocence shall be declared:第十五条法官之间有夫妻关系、直系血亲关系、三代以内旁系血亲以及近姻亲关系的,不得同时担任下列职务: Article 15 Judges who are connected by husband-wife relationship, or who are directly related by blood, collateral related within three generations, or closely related by marriage may not, at the same time, hold the following posts:第十五条继承人应当本着互谅互让、和睦团结的精神,协商处理继承问题。遗产分割的时间、办法和份额,由继承人协商确定。协商不成的,可以由人民调解委员会调解或者向人民法院提起诉讼。 Article 15 Questions pertaining to succession should be dealt with through consultation by and among the successors in the spirit of mutual understanding and mutual accommodation, as well as of amity and unity. The time and mode for partitioning the estate and the shares shall be decided by the successors through consultation. If no agreement is reached through consultation, they may apply to a People's Mediation Committee for mediation or institute legal proceedings in a people's court.第十五条中央人民政府依照本法第四章的规定任命香港特别行政区行政长官和行政机关的主要官员。 Article 15 The Central People's Government shall appoint the Chief Executive and the principal officials of the executive authorities of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in accordance with the provisions of Chapter IV of this Law.第十五条公民以他的户籍所在地的居住地为住所,经常居住地与住所不一致的,经常居住地视为住所。 Article 15 The domicile of a citizen shall be the place where his residence is registered; if his habitual residence is not the same as his domicile, his habitual residence shall be regarded as his domicile.第十五条国家在社会主义公有制基础上实行计划经济。国家通过经济计划的综合平衡和市场调节的辅助作用,保证国民经济按比例地协调发展。 Article 15 The state practises planned economy on the basis of socialist public ownership. It ensures the proportionate and coordinated growth of the national economy through overall balancing by economic planning and the supplementary role of regulation by the market.第十五条国家在社会主义公有制基础上实行计划经济。国家通过经济计划的综合平衡和市场调节的辅助作用,保证国民经济按比例地协调发展。 Article 15 The state practises planned economy on the basis of socialist public ownership. It ensures the proportionate and coordinated growth of the national economy through overall balancing by economic planning and the supplementary role of regulation by the market.第十五条对于不具备本法规定条件或者违反法定程序被选举为人民检察院检察长的,上一级人民检察院检察长有权提请该级人民代表大会常务委员会不批准。 Article 15 Where an elected chief procurator of a People's Procuratorate does not possess the qualifications as provided by this Law, or a chief procurator of a People's Procuratorate is elected in violation of the statutory procedures, the chief procurator of a People's Procuratorate at the next higher level shall have the power to apply to the standing committee of the people's congress at that level for disapproval.第十五条行使侦查、检察、审判、监狱管理职权的机关及其工作人员在行使职权时有下列侵犯人身权情形之一的,受害人有取得赔偿的权利: Article 15 Where organs and their personnel which exercise the functions and powers of detection, prosecution, adjudication and administration of prison cause any of the following infringements upon personal rights when exercising their functions and powers, the aggrieved person shall have the right to recover damages:第十五条在没有引渡条约的情况下,请求国应当作出互惠的承诺。 Article 15 Where there is no extradition treaty to go by, the Requesting State shall make a reciprocity assurance.第十五条人民法院对被判处死刑缓期二年执行、无期徒刑、有期徒刑的罪犯,应当将执行通知书、判决书送达羁押该罪犯的公安机关。 Article 15 With respect to a criminal who is sentenced to death penalty with a two-year suspension of execution, life imprisonment or fixed-term imprisonment, the people's court shall serve the notice of execution of the sentence and the written judgment on the public security organ where the criminal is in custody.第十五条法官在审理案件的过程中,应当避免受到新闻媒体和公众舆论的不当影响。 Article 15. A judge should avoid improper influence from the media or the public during the process of the lawsuit.第十五条本条例自公布之日施行。一九五四年十二月二十日公布的《中华人民共和国逮捕拘留条例》即行废止。 Article 15. These Regulations shall go into effect on the day of their promulgation. The Regulations on Arrest and Detention of the People's Republic of China promulgated on December 20, 1954 shall be invalidated simultaneously.第十五条???有下列行为之一的,按照《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》有关规定给予处罚:? Article 15. Those who come under one of the following categories shall be penalized in accordance with relevant provisions of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China Concerning Security Control and Punishment:第一百五十条人民法院对提起公诉的案件进行审查后,对于起诉书中有明确的指控犯罪事实并且附有证据目录、证人名单和主要证据复印件或者照片的,应当决定开庭审判。 Article 150 After a People's Court has examined a case in which public prosecution was initiated, it shall decide to open the court session and try the case, if the bill of prosecution contains clear facts of the crime accused and, in addition, there are a list of evidence and a list of witnesses as well as duplicates or photos of major evidence attached to it.第一百五十条人民法院对提起公诉的案件进行审查后,对于起诉书中有明确的指控犯罪事实并且附有证据目录、证人名单和主要证据复印件或者照片的,应当决定开庭审判。 Article 150 After a People's Court has examined a case in which public prosecution was initiated, it shall decide to open the court session and try the case, if the bill of prosecution contains clear facts of the crime accused and, in addition, there are a list of evidence and a list of witnesses as well as duplicates or photos of major evidence attached to it.第一百五十条香港特别行政区政府的代表,可作为中华人民共和国政府代表团的成员,参加由中央人民政府进行的同香港特别行政区直接有关的外交谈判。 Article 150 Representatives of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may, as members of delegations of the Government of the People's Republic of China, participate in negotiations at the diplomatic level directly affecting the Region conducted by the Central People's Government.第一百五十条依照本章规定适用外国法律或者国际惯例的,不得违背中华人民共和国的社会公共利益。 Article 150 The application of foreign laws or international practice in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall not violate the public interest of the People's Republic of China.第一百五十条单位犯本节第一百四十条至第一百四十八条规定之罪的,对单位判处罚金,并对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依照各该条的规定处罚。 Article 150 Where a unit commits the crime as mentioned in Articles 141 through 148 of this Section, it shall be fined, and the persons who are directly in charge and the other persons who are directly responsible for the crime shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the Articles respectively.第一百五十条 单位犯本节第一百四十条至第一百四十八条规定之罪的,对单位判处罚金,并对其直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依照各该条的规定处罚。 Article 150 Where a unit commits the crime as mentioned in Articles 141 through 148 of this Section, it shall be fined, and the persons who are directly in charge and the other persons who are directly responsible for the crime shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the Articles respectively.第一百五十一条人民法院决定开庭审判后,应当进行下列工作: Article 151 After a People's Court has decided to open a court session, it shall proceed with the following work: