

第一百二十八条香港特别行政区政府应提供条件和采取措施,以保持香港的国际和区域航空中心的地位。    Article 128 The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall provide conditions and take measures for the maintenance of the status of Hong Kong as a centre of international and regional aviation.
第一百二十八条澳门特别行政区政府根据宗教信仰自由的原则,不干预宗教组织的内部事务,不干预宗教组织和教徒同澳门以外地区的宗教组织和教徒保持及发展关系,不限制与澳门特别行政区法律没有抵触的宗教活动。    Article 128 The Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region, consistent with the principle of religious freedom, shall not interfere in the internal affairs of religious organizations or in the efforts of religious organizations and believers in Macao to maintain and develop relations with their counterparts outside Macao, or restrict religious activities which do not contravene the laws of the Region.
第一百二十八条最高人民法院对全国人民代表大会和全国人民代表大会常务委员会负责。地方各级人民法院对产生它的国家权力机关负责。    Article 128 The Supreme People's Court is responsible to the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee. Local people's courts at various levels are responsible to the organs of state power which created them.
第一百二十八条最高人民法院对全国人民代表大会和全国人民代表大会常务委员会负责。地方各级人民法院对产生它的国家权力机关负责。    Article 128 The Supreme People's Court is responsible to the National People's Congress and its Standing Committee. Local people's courts at various levels are responsible to the organs of state power which created them.
第一百二十八条违反枪支管理规定,非法持有、私藏枪支、弹药的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制;情节严重的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑。    Article 128 Whoever, in violation of the regulations governing control of guns, illegally possesses or conceals any guns or ammunition shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance; if the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years.
第一百二十八条 违反枪支管理规定,非法持有、私藏枪支、弹药的,处三年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制;情节严重的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑。    Article 128 Whoever, in violation of the regulations governing control of guns, illegally possesses or conceals any guns or ammunition shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance; if the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years.
第一百二十九条公安机关侦查终结的案件,应当做到犯罪事实清楚,证据确实、充分,并且写出起诉意见书,连同案卷材料、证据一并移送同级人民检察院审查决定。    Article 129 After a public security organ has concluded its investigation of a case, the facts should be clear and the evidence reliable and sufficient and, in addition, it shall make a written recommendation for prosecution, which shall be transferred, together with the case file and evidence, to the People's Procuratorate at the same level for examination and decision.
第一百二十九条公安机关侦查终结的案件,应当做到犯罪事实清楚,证据确实、充分,并且写出起诉意见书,连同案卷材料、证据一并移送同级人民检察院审查决定。    Article 129 After a public security organ has concluded its investigation of a case, the facts should be clear and the evidence reliable and sufficient and, in addition, it shall make a written recommendation for prosecution, which shall be transferred, together with the case file and evidence, to the People's Procuratorate at the same level for examination and decision.
第一百二十九条因紧急避险造成损害的,由引起险情发生的人承担民事责任。    Article 129 If harm occurs through emergency actions taken to avoid danger, the person who gave rise to the danger shall bear civil liability.
第一百二十九条依法配备公务用枪的人员,丢失枪支不及时报告,造成严重后果的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。    Article 129 If persons who are lawfully equipped with guns for the discharge of official duties lose their guns and fail to report about the matter immediately, thereby causing serious consequences, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention.
第一百二十九条 依法配备公务用枪的人员,丢失枪支不及时报告,造成严重后果的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。    Article 129 If persons who are lawfully equipped with guns for the discharge of official duties lose their guns and fail to report about the matter immediately, thereby causing serious consequences, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention.
第一百二十九条澳门特别行政区政府自行确定专业制度,根据公平合理的原则,制定有关评审和颁授各种专业和执业资格的办法。    Article 129 The Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region shall, on its own, establish a system concerning the professions and, based on impartiality and rationality, formulate provisions for assessing professional qualifications or qualifications for practice in the various professions and issuing corresponding certificates.
第一百二十九条香港特别行政区继续实行原在香港实行的民用航空管理制度,并按中央人民政府关于飞机国籍标志和登记标志的规定,设置自己的飞机登记册。    Article 129 The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall continue the previous system of civil aviation management in Hong Kong and keep its own aircraft register in accordance with provisions laid down by the Central People's Government concerning nationality marks and registration marks of aircraft.
第一百二十九条中华人民共和国人民检察院是国家的法律监督机关。    Article 129 The people's procuratorates of the People's Republic of China are state organs for legal supervision.
第一百二十九条中华人民共和国人民检察院是国家的法律监督机关。    Article 129 The people's procuratorates of the People's Republic of China are state organs for legal supervision.
第十二条?当事人对认可和执行与否的裁定不服的,在内地可以向上一级人民法院申请复议,在香港特别行政区可以根据其法律规定提出上诉。    Article 12? If the party doesn't agree to the judgement of whether it's recognizable or executable, he can apply to the upper level people's court for review in the mainland, or to lodge suit based on law and regulation in HK SAR.
第十三条一切危害国家主权、领土完整和安全,分裂国家、颠覆人民民主专政的政权和推翻社会主义制度,破坏社会秩序和经济秩序,侵犯国有财产或者劳动群众集体所有的财产,侵犯公民私人所有的财产,侵犯公民的人身权利、民主权利和其他权利,以及其他危害社会的行为,依照法律应当受刑罚处罚的,都是犯罪,但是情节显著轻微危害不大的,不认为是犯罪。    Article 13 A crime refers to an act that endangers the sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of the State, splits the State, subverts the State power of the people's democratic dictatorship and overthrows the socialist system, undermines public and economic order, violates State-owned property, property collectively owned by the working people, or property privately owned by citizens, infringes on the citizens' rights of the person, their democratic or other rights, and any other act that endangers society and is subject to punishment according to law. However, if the circumstances are obviously minor and the harm done is not serious, the act shall not be considered a crime.
第十三条 一切危害国家主权、领土完整和安全,分裂国家、颠覆人民民主专政的政权和推翻社会主义制度,破坏社会秩序和经济秩序,侵犯国有财产或者劳动群众集体所有的财产,侵犯公民私人所有的财产,侵犯公民的人身权利、民主权利和其他权利,以及其他危害社会的行为,依照法律应当受刑罚处罚的,都是犯罪,但是情节显著轻微危害不大的,不认为是犯罪。    Article 13 A crime refers to an act that endangers the sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of the State, splits the State, subverts the State power of the people's democratic dictatorship and overthrows the socialist system, undermines public and economic order, violates State-owned property, property collectively owned by the working people, or property privately owned by citizens, infringes on the citizens' rights of the person, their democratic or other rights, and any other act that endangers society and is subject to punishment according to law. However, if the circumstances are obviously minor and the harm done is not serious, the act shall not be considered a crime.
第十三条一个代表团或者三十名以上的代表联名,可以向全国人民代表大会提出法律案,由主席团决定是否列入会议议程,或者先交有关的专门委员会审议、提出是否列入会议议程的意见,再决定是否列入会议议程。    Article 13 A delegation, or delegates of at least 30 people acting jointly, may introduce a bill to the National People's Congress, and the presidium shall decide whether to put such bill onto the agenda of the current session, or whether to refer such bill to the relevant special committee for deliberation, and such special committee shall make a recommendation as to whether such bill shall be put onto the agenda of the current session, whereupon the presidium shall decide whether to do so.
第十三条不能辨认自己行为的精神病人是无民事行为能力人,由他的法定代理人代理民事活动。    Article 13 A mentally ill person who is unable to account for his own conduct shall be a person having no capacity for civil conduct and shall be represented in civil activities by his agent ad litem.
第十三条国家机关的现职工作人员不得兼任执业律师。    Article 13 Any of the active working personnel of a State organ shall not concurrently practise as a lawyer.
第十三条夫妻在家庭中地位平等。    Article 13 Husband and wife shall have equal status in the family.
第十三条法官有下列情形之一的,应当依法提请免除其职务:    Article 13 If a judge is found to be in any of the following circumstances, a report shall be submitted according to law concerning the removal of his or her post:
第十三条人民法院审判案件,依照本法实行人民陪审员陪审的制度。    Article 13 In trying cases, the People's Courts shall apply the system of people's assessors taking part in trials in accordance with this Law.
第十三条初任检察员、助理检察员采用公开考试、严格考核的办法,按照德才兼备的标准,从具备检察官条件的人员中择优提出人选。    Article 13 Persons to be appointed procurators or assistant procurators for the first time shall be selected through public examination and strict appraisal, from among the best qualified for the post, and in accordance with the standards of having both ability and political integrity.
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