

国务院关于国家行政机关和企业事业单位社会团体印章管理的规定    The Rules on the Administration of the Seals of the State Administrative Departments, Enterprises and Institutions and the Social Organizations of the State Council
国务院关于国家行政机关和企业事业单位社会团体印章管理的规定    The Rules on the Administration of the Seals of the State Administrative Departments, Enterprises and Institutions and the Social Organizations of the State Council
未经本单位领导批准,不得擅自使用单位印章。    The seal shall not be used presumptuously without the approval of the leader of the current organization.
未经本单位领导批准,不得擅自使用单位印章。    The seal shall not be used presumptuously without the approval of the leader of the current organization.
国务院部门的内设机构和所属事业单位,法定名称中“冠“中华人民共和国”或“国家”的单位的印章,直径4.2厘米,中央刊国徽,国徽外刊单位名称,自左而右环行(图八),由国务院制发。    The seals of the internal institutions and the affiliated enterprises of the departments under the State Council and the units with a title beginning with the People’s Republic of China or national shall be made and distributed by the State Council with the diameter of 4.2 centimeters, a national emblem in the center and the title of the organizations around the national emblem from left to right. (See illustration 8)
国务院部门的内设机构和所属事业单位,法定名称中“冠“中华人民共和国”或“国家”的单位的印章,直径4.2厘米,中央刊国徽,国徽外刊单位名称,自左而右环行(图八),由国务院制发。    The seals of the internal institutions and the affiliated enterprises of the departments under the State Council and the units with a title beginning with the People’s Republic of China or national shall be made and distributed by the State Council with the diameter of 4.2 centimeters, a national emblem in the center and the title of the organizations around the national emblem from left to right. (See illustration 8)
秘书长,    the Secretary-General; and
重要、复杂案件的立案,应当报本级人民政府和上一级监察机关备案。    The set-up of an important and complicated case should be reported to people's governments at the corresponding levels and supervisory organs at the higher level for the record.
重要检查事项的立项,应当报本级人民政府和上一级监察机关备案。    The set-up of cases on important matters for inspection should be reported to people's governments at the corresponding levels and supervisory organs at the higher level for the record.
地方各级人民政府统计机构的人员编制由国家统一规定。    The sizes of the staff of statistics institutions of local people's governments at various levels shall be prescribed by the State in a unified way.
各专门委员会可以根据工作需要,任命专家若干人为顾问;顾问可以列席专门委员会会议,发表意见。    The special committees may appoint a certain number of experts as advisers, if their work so requires. The advisers may attend special committee meetings and express their opinions.
各专门委员会在本级人民代表大会及其常务委员会领导下,研究、审议和拟订有关议案;对属于本级人民代表大会及其常务委员会职权范围内同本委员会有关的问题,进行调查研究,提出建议。    The special committees shall discuss, examine and draw up relevant bills and draft resolutions under the direction of the people's congresses and their standing committees at the corresponding levels; they shall make investigations and studies of, and put forward proposals on matters related to those committees and within the scope of functions and powers of the respective people's congresses and their standing committees.
具体的印章社会治安管理办法,由公安部会同有关部门制定。    The specific administrative measures on the social public security of the seals shall be provided by the Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China jointly with other organizations concerned.
具体的印章社会治安管理办法,由公安部会同有关部门制定。    The specific administrative measures on the social public security of the seals shall be provided by the Ministry of Public Security of the People’s Republic of China jointly with other organizations concerned.
前款所列场所的具体周边距离,由省、自治区、直辖市的人民政府规定。    The specific peripheral distances from the places listed in the preceding paragraph shall be defined by the people's governments of provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.
行政机关通过招标、拍卖等方式作出行政许可决定的具体程序,依照有关法律、行政法规的规定。    The specific procedures for the administrative organ to decide an administrative license by means of bid invitation and auction shall be in line with the relevant laws and administrative regulations
地方外事机构、驻外使领馆钢印的规格、式样,由外交部制定。    The specification and patterns of the steel seals used by the regional institutions of foreign affairs and the embassy and consulate stationed abroad, shall be provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China.
地方外事机构、驻外使领馆钢印的规格、式样,由外交部制定。    The specification and patterns of the steel seals used by the regional institutions of foreign affairs and the embassy and consulate stationed abroad, shall be provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China.
前款所列单位的职工及家属、军人及随军家属,参加居住地区的居民委员会;其家属聚居区可以单独成立家属委员会,承担居民委员会的工作,在不设区的市、市辖区的人民政府或者它的派出机关和本单位的指导下进行工作。    The staff and workers of the units specified in the preceding paragraph and their family members, and servicemen and dependents living with them shall join the residents committees in their residential areas; in areas where such families live in compact communities, dependents committees may be established separately to assume the responsibilities of the residents committees and conduct their work under the guidance of the people's governments of cities not divided into districts or of municipal districts, their agencies or the units they belong to.
前款所称编制,包括人员的数量定额和领导职数。    The staffing mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall include numerical quotas of staff and the number of leadership positions.
县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会常务委员会是本级人民代表大会的常设机关,对本级人民代表大会负责并报告工作。    The standing committee of a local people's congress at or above the county level shall be a permanent organ of that people's congress and shall be responsible and report on its work to it.
县、自治县、不设区的市、市辖区的人民代表大会常务委员会由本级人民代表大会在代表中选举主任、副主任若干人和委员若干人组成。    The standing committee of a people's congress of a county, autonomous county, city not divided into districts, or municipal district shall be composed of a chairman, vice-chairmen and members to be elected by the people's congress from among its deputies.
省、自治区的人民代表大会常务委员会可以在地区设立工作机构。    The standing committee of the people's congress of a province and autonomous region may set up administrative offices in the prefectures under its jurisdiction.
常务委员会设副秘书长若干人,由委员长提请常务委员会任免。    The Standing Committee shall install Deputy Secretaries-General, whom it shall appoint or remove upon recommendation by the Chairman of the Standing Committee.
省、自治区的人民政府所在地的市和经国务院批准的较大的市的人民代表大会常务委员会,在本级人民代表大会闭会期间,根据本市的具体情况和实际需要,在不同宪法、法律、行政法规和本省、自治区的地方性法规相抵触的前提下,可以制定地方性法规,报省、自治区的人民代表大会常务委员会批准后施行,并由省、自治区的人民代表大会常务委员会报全国人民代表大会常务委员会和国务院备案。    The standing committees of the people's congresses of cities where the provincial and autonomous regional people's governments are located and the standing committees of the people's congresses of those relatively large cities with the approval of the State Council may, when their respective people's congresses are not in session, formulate local regulations in accordance with the specific conditions and actual needs of their respective cities, provided that these regulations do not contravene the Constitution, the law, administrative rules and regulations and the local regulations of the respective provinces and autonomous regions; they shall submit such local regulations to the standing committees of the people's congresses of the respective provinces and autonomous regions for approval before implementation and for submission to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the State Council for the record.
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