省、自治区、直辖市的人民代表大会常务委员会可以根据本法制定实施办法。 The standing committees of the people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, in accordance with this Law, formulate measures for implementation.国家行政机关和企业事业单位、社会团体刻制印章,应到当地公安机关指定的刻章单位刻制。 The state administrative departments, enterprises and institutions and the social organizations shall have their seals made by the seal-engraving units designated by the local public security organs.国家行政机关和企业事业单位、社会团体刻制印章,应到当地公安机关指定的刻章单位刻制。 The state administrative departments, enterprises and institutions and the social organizations shall have their seals made by the seal-engraving units designated by the local public security organs.国家档案局与中央档案馆,一个机构两块牌子,列入中共中央直属机关的下属机构。 The State Archives Bureau and the Central Archives will be merged into one with their respective names retained and included into the subsidiary institutions of departments under the CPC Central Committee.国务院可以授权具有行政处罚权的直属机构依照本条第一款、第二款的规定,规定行政处罚。 The State Council may authorize the departments directly under it that have the power of administrative penalty to formulate provisions on administrative penalty in accordance with the first and second paragraph of this Article.国务院设立办公厅,由秘书长领导。 The State Council shall establish a general office, which shall be under the direction of the Secretary-General.国务院设副秘书长若干人,协助秘书长工作。 The State Council shall install a certain number of Deputy Secretaries-General, who shall assist the Secretary-General in his work.国务院根据国民经济和社会发展的需要,适应社会主义市场经济体制的要求,适时调整国务院行政机构; The State Council shall, pursuant to the needs of the national economy and social development and based on the needs of the socialist market economy, adjusts in good time the administrative agencies of the State Council;国家有计划地加强统计信息处理、传输技术和数据库体系的现代化建设。 The State shall make plans to introduce modern techniques of processing and transmission of statistical information as well as a modern data bank system.国家统计标准由国家统计局制定,或者由国家统计局和国务院标准化管理部门共同制定。 The State statistical standards shall be formulated by the State Statistics Bureau or by the State Statistics Bureau jointly with the State Bureau of Standards.国家统计局管理国家的统计信息自动化系统和统计数据库体系。 The State Statistics Bureau shall be in charge of the nation's automated system of statistical information and statistical data bank system.其他确需使用钢印的单位,其钢印直径不得大于4.2厘米,不得小于3.5厘米,中央刊五角星,五角星外刊单位名称,自左而右环行,报经其印章制发机关批准后刻制。 The steel seals of the other units that actually need the steel seals shall have the diameter less than 4.2 centimeters, but more than 3.5 centimeters with a five-pointed star in the center and the title of the organizations around the five-pointed star from left to right and be submit to the making and distributing organizations for approval of print.其他确需使用钢印的单位,其钢印直径不得大于4.2厘米,不得小于3.5厘米,中央刊五角星,五角星外刊单位名称,自左而右环行,报经其印章制发机关批准后刻制。 The steel seals of the other units that actually need the steel seals shall have the diameter less than 4.2 centimeters, but more than 3.5 centimeters with a five-pointed star in the center and the title of the organizations around the five-pointed star from left to right and be submit to the making and distributing organizations for approval of print.监察机关在职权范围内,也可以直接作出变更或者撤销的决定。 The supervisory organization may also, within their powers, directly make a decision on changing or canceling the administrative decisions监察机关应当自收到复审申请之日起三十日内作出复审决定; The supervisory organization should examine the case within 30 days after receiving such requests and make a new decision.国务院台湾事务办公室与中共中央台湾工作办公室、国务院新闻办公室与中共中央对外宣传办公室,一个机构两块牌子,列入中共中央直属机构序列。 The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the CPC Central Committee will be merged into one with their respective names retained and included into the series of the departments under the CPC Central Committee.So do the Information Office of the State Council and the International Communication Office of the CPC Central Committee.本法所称集会,是指聚集于露天公共场所,发表意见、表达意愿的活动。 The term ""assembly"" used in this Law means an activity in which people gather at a public place in the open air to express views or aspirations.本法所称示威,是指在露天公共场所或者公共道路上集会、游行、静坐等方式,表达要求、抗议或者支持、声援等共同意愿的活动。 The term ""demonstration"" used in this Law means an activity in which people express their common aspirations, including demands, protests, support or moral support, in the manner of an assembly, a procession, a sit-in, etc., at a public place in the open air or along a public road.本法所称游行,是指在公共道路、露天公共场所列队行进、表达共同意愿的活动。 The term ""procession"" used in this Law means an activity in which people line up for a march along a public road or across a public place in the open air to express their common aspirations.身份证件或者居留证件的有效期限,根据入境的事由确定。 The term of validity of identification papers or residence certificates shall be determined according to the purposes of entry.对情况复杂,依照本条例规定适用拘留处罚的,讯问查证的时间不得超过二十四小时。 The time of interrogation and investigation shall not exceed twenty-four hours in complicated cases subject to detainment according to these Regulations.地区(盟)行政公署的印章,冠省(自治区)的名称。 The title on the seal of the administrative office of prefecture/league shall begin with the title of the province/autonomous region.地区(盟)行政公署的印章,冠省(自治区)的名称。 The title on the seal of the administrative office of prefecture/league shall begin with the title of the province/autonomous region.市辖区人民政府的印章冠市的名称,乡(镇)人民政府的印章,冠县级行政区域的名称。 The title on the seal of the people’s government of the district of the city shall begin with the title of the city and the title of the seals of the people’s government at the township/town level shall begin with the title of the administrative division at the county level.市辖区人民政府的印章冠市的名称,乡(镇)人民政府的印章,冠县级行政区域的名称。 The title on the seal of the people’s government of the district of the city shall begin with the title of the city and the title of the seals of the people’s government at the township/town level shall begin with the title of the administrative division at the county level.