

第四十条开发未确定使用权的国有荒山、荒地、荒滩从事种植业、林业、畜牧业、渔业生产的,经县级以上人民政府依法批准,可以确定给开发单位或者个人长期使用。    Article 40 For developing waste hills, land or beachland whose use rights have not been ascertained for crop cultivation, forestry, animal husbandry or fisheries, the use rights may be given to developers or individuals for long-term use with the approval of the people's government at and above the county level according to law.
  第四十条? 建设单位应当向建筑施工企业提供与施工现场相关的地下管线资料,建筑施工企业应当采取措施加以保护。    Article 40 The project owners shall provide the construction enterprises with the documents concerning underground pipeline layout related to the construction site and the construction enterprises shall take preventive measures.
  第四十条 土地使用权期满,土地使用权及其地上建筑物、其他附着物所有权由国家无偿取得。土地使用者应当交还土地使用证,并依照规定办理注销登记。    Article 40. Upon expiration of the term of use, the right to the use of the land and the ownership of the above-ground buildings and other attached objects thereon shall be acquired by the State without compensation. The land user shall surrender the certificate for land use and undertake procedures to nullify the registration.
  第四十一条? 建筑施工企业应当遵守有关环境保护和安全生产的法律、法规的规定,采取控制和处理施工现场的各种粉尘、废气、废水、固体废物以及噪声、振动对环境的污染和危害的措施。    Article 41 In accordance with laws and regulations concerning environmental protection and safety in operation, construction enterprises shall adopt measures to control and clear environmental pollution and harm resulting from various kinds of dust, waste gas, waste water, solid waste materials, noise and vibration at construction sites.
第四十一条国家鼓励土地整理。县、乡(镇)人民政府应当组织农村集体经济组织,按照土地利用总体规划,对田、水、路、林、村综合整治,提高耕地质量,增加有效耕地面积,改善农业生产条件和生态环境。    Article 41 The State encourages land consolidation. People's governments of counties and townships (towns) shall organize rural collective economic organizations to carry out comprehensive consolidation of fields, water surface, roads, woods and villages according to the general plans for the utilization of land to raise the quality of cultivated land and increase areas for effective cultivation and improve the agricultural production conditions and ecological environment.
  第四十一条 土地使用权期满,土地使用者可以申请续期。需要续期的,应当依照本条例第二章的规定重新签订合同,支付土地使用权出让金,并办理登记。    Article 41. Upon expiration of the term of use, the land user may apply for its renewal. Where such a renewal is necessary, a new contract shall be signed in accordance with the provisions in Chapter II of these Regulations and the land user shall pay the fee for the assignment of the right to the use of the land and undertake registration.
第四百一十条国家机关工作人员徇私舞弊,违反土地管理法规,滥用职权,非法批准征用、占用土地,或者非法低价出让国有土地使用权,情节严重的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役;致使国家或者集体利益遭受特别重大损失的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑。    Article 410 Whereas government functionaries are found to have committed deception or forgery for personal gains in violation of the land administrative law and regulations or have abused their power to illegally approve the requisition of land or under-sell the use right of State-owned land and the cases are serious, a punishment of less than three years in prison or forced labor shall be given; whereas the cases have caused very big losses to the State or collectives, a prison term ranging from more than three years to less than seven years shall be meted out.
第四十二条因挖损、塌陷、压占等造成土地破坏,用地单位和个人应当按照国家有关规定负责复垦;没有条件复垦或者复垦不符合要求的,应当缴纳土地复垦费,专项用于土地复垦。复垦的土地应当优先用于农业。    Article 42 Whereas land is damaged due to digging, cave-in and occupation, the units or individuals occupying the land should be responsible for reclamation according to the relevant provisions of the State; for lack of ability of reclamation or for failure to meet the required reclamation, land reclamation fees shall be paid, for use in land reclamation. Land reclaimed shall be first used for agricultural purposes.
  第四十二条 国家对土地使用者依法取得的土地使用权不提前收回。在特殊情况下,根据社会公众利益的需要,国家依照法律程序提前收回,并根据土地使用者已使用的年限和开发、利用土地的实际情况给予相应的补偿。    Article 42. The State shall not withdraw before the expiration of the term of use the right to the use of the land which the land user acquired in accordance with the law. Under special circumstances, the State may, based on the requirements of social public interests, withdraw the right before the expiration of the term of use in line with the relevant legal procedures and shall. based on the number of years in which the land user has used the land and the actual state of affairs with respect to the development and utilization of the land, offer corresponding compensation.
  第四十三条? 建设行政主管部门负责建筑安全生产的管理,并依法接受劳动行政主管部门对建筑安全生产的指导和监督。    Article 43 Administrative authorities on construction are responsible for the administration of safety in construction operation and shall, according to law, subject themselves to the instruction and supervision on safety in construction operation by administrative authorities on labor.
第四十三条任何单位和个人进行建设,需要使用土地的,必须依法申请使用国有土地;但是,兴办乡镇企业和村民建设住宅经依法批准使用本集体经济组织农民集体所有的土地的,或者乡(镇)村公共设施和公益事业建设经依法批准使用农民集体所有的土地的除外。    Article 43 Any unit or individual that need land for construction purposes should apply for the use of land owned by the State according to law, except land owned by peasant collectives used by collective economic organizations for building township enterprises or building houses for villagers or land owned by peasant collectives approved according to law for use in building public facilities or public welfare facilities of townships (towns).
第四十三条 划拨土地使用权是指土地使用者通过各种方式依法无偿取得的土地使用权。    Article 43. the allocated right to the use of the land refers to the right to the use of the land which the land user acquires in accordance with the law, by various means, and without compensation.
  第四十四条? 建筑施工企业必须依法加强对建筑安全生产的管理,执行安全生产责任制度,采取有效措施,防止伤亡和其他安全生产事故的发生。    Article 44 Construction enterprises shall, according to law, strengthen the safety in construction operation, enforce the safe operation responsibility system, and prevent casualties and other operation accidents by adopting effective measures.
第四十四条建设占用土地,涉及农用地转为建设用地的,应当办理农用地转用审批手续。    Article 44 Whereas occupation of land for construction purposes involves the conversion of agricultural land into land for construction purposes, the examination and approval procedures in this regard shall be required.
  第四十四条 划拨土地使用权,除本条例第四十五条规定的情况外,不得转让、出租、抵押。    Article 44. The allocated right to the use of the land may not be transferred, leased, or mortgaged, with the exception of cases as specified in Article 45 of these Regulations.
  第四十五条? 施工现场安全由建筑施工企业负责。实行施工总承包的,由总承包单位负责。分包单位向总承包单位负责,服从总承包单位对施工现场的安全生产管理。    Article 45 Construction enterprises are responsible for the safety at construction sites.??As to a construction project under an overall contract, the overall contractor is responsible for the safety at construction sites. Subcontractors shall hold themselves responsible to the overall contractor and be subject to the administration of the overall contractor concerning safe operation at construction sites.
第四十五条征用下列土地的,由国务院批准:    Article 45 The requisition of the following land shall be approved by the State Council:
  第四十五条 符合下列条件的,经市、县人民政府土地管理部门和房产管理部门批准,其划拨土地使用权和地上建筑物、其他附着物所有权可以转让、出租、抵押:    Article 45. On condition that the following requirements are satisfied, the allocated right to the use of the land and the ownership of the above-ground buildings and other attached objects may, subject to the approval of the land administration departments and the housing administration departments under the people's governments at the municipal and county levels, be transferred, leased or mortgaged:
  第四十六条? 建筑施工企业应当建立健全劳动安全生产教育培训制度,加强对职工安全生产的教育培训;未经安全生产教育培训的人员,不得上岗作业。    Article 46 Construction enterprises shall establish a sound system of education and training in safe operation, strengthen the education and training of their staff members in safe operation.??Those without receiving a training in safe operation are prohibited from going on duty.
第四十六条国家征用土地的,依照法定程序批准后,由县级以上地方人民政府予以公告并组织实施。    Article 46 For requisition of land by the State the local people's governments at and above the county level shall make an announcement and organize the implementation after the approval according to the legal procedures.
  第四十六条 对未经批准擅自转让、出租、抵押划拨土地使用权的单位和个人,市、县人民政府土地管理部门应当没收其非法收入,并根据情节处以罚款。    Article 46. Any units or individuals that transfer, lease or mortgage the allocated right to the use of the land without authorization shall have their illegal incomes thus secured confiscated by the land administration departments under the people's governments at the municipal and county levels and shall be fined in accordance with the seriousness of the case.
第四十七条征用土地的,按照被征用土地的原用途给予补偿。    Article 47 In requisitioning land, compensation should be made according to the original purposes of the land requisitioned.
  第四十七条? 建筑施工企业和作业人员在施工过程中,应当遵守有关安全生产的法律、法规和建筑行业安全规章、规程,不得违章指挥或者违章作业。作业人员有权对影响人身健康的作业程序和作业条件提出改进意见,有权获得安全生产所需的防护用品。作业人员对危及生命安全和人身健康的行为有权提出批评、检举和控告。    Article 47 In the course of construction operation, construction enterprises and working personnel shall observe laws and regulations concerning safe operation as well as safety rules of the construction industry.??They shall not command or operate in violation of relevant regulations.??Working personnel are entitled to forward proposals for improving the operating programs and conditions which adversely affect health and to obtain protective equipment as required for safe operation. They are entitled to criticize, report and accuse of actions endangering vital safety and personal health.
  第四十七条 无偿取得划拨土地使用权的土地使用者,因迁移、解散、撤销、破产或者其他原因而停止使用土地的,市、县人民政府应当无偿收回其划拨土地使用权,并可依照本条例的规定予以出让。    Article 47. If the land user who has acquired the allocated right to the use of the land without compensation stops the use thereof as a result of moving to another site, dissolution, disbandment, or bankruptcy or for other reasons, the municipal or county people's government shall withdraw the allocated right to the use of the land without compensation and may assign it in accordance with the relevant provisions of these Regulations.
第四十八条征地补偿安置方案确定后,有关地方人民政府应当公告,并听取被征地的农村集体经济组织和农民的意见。    Article 48 After the plan for land compensation and resettlement fees is finalized, related local people's governments shall make an announcement and hear the opinions of the rural collective economic organizations and peasants whose land has been requisitioned.
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