??? 三、办理外国人私有房屋所有权登记或转移、变更登记手续时,须提交国籍、职业证明和下列证件: 3. In going through the procedures for the registration of the ownership of foreigners' private houses, of the transfer or changes, the owners of the houses shall present certificates of nationality and occupation, as well as the following certifying papers:??? 五、外国人私有房屋所有人不能亲自办理房屋所有权登记或转移、变更登记手续时,可以委托代理人或中国律师代为办理,委托代理应由本人出具委托书。 5. If the owners of foreigners' private houses are unable to go through, personally, the registration procedures for the transfer of ownership or for other changes of the said houses, they may appoint agents or Chinese attorneys at law to handle the case; and the owners of the houses shall personally vest their agents or attorneys with powers of attorney.(二十三) 建立节约集约用地考核制度。制定单位GDP和固定资产投资规模增长的新增建设用地消耗考核办法。 ?(23) It is necessary to establish a test system of economical and intensive land use. It is necessary to establish examination measures on newly-increased construction land per capita unit increase of GDP and the scale of investment in fixed assets.对违法用地项目不得提供贷款和上市融资,违规提供贷款和核准融资的,要追究相关责任人的责任。 ?Illegal land use project shall not get finance from the stock market and bank. Otherwise, relevant personnel shall be requested to undertake responsibilities.要按照合理布局、经济可行、控制时序的原则,统筹协调各类交通、能源、水利等基础设施和基础产业建设规划,避免盲目投资、过度超前和低水平重复建设浪费土地资源。 ?In accordance with the principle of reasonable positioning, economically available and sequence control, construction plan of all kinds of transportation, energy, water conservancy and other infrastructure projects and basic industries shall be coordinated overall to avoid indiscriminately investing, overstepping the present level of economy, low-level repeating building as well as wasting resources of land.今后除军事、社会保障性住房和特殊用地等可以继续以划拨方式取得土地外,对国家机关办公和交通、能源、水利等基础设施(产业)、城市基础设施以及各类社会事业用地要积极探索实行有偿使用,对其中的经营性用地先行实行有偿使用。 ?In future, except that the right of military land, social security housing and special use land may be obtained through al[], the system of compensated use of land shall be explored and carried out actively in the land utilization of state organs, transport, energy, water conservancy projects, other infrastructure facilities, urban infrastructure facilities and various public utility. Among them, system of compensated use of land shall be implemented in the utilization of profit-oriented land first.切实保护耕地,大力促进节约集约用地,走出一条建设占地少、利用效率高的符合我国国情的土地利用新路子,是关系民族生存根基和国家长远利益的大计,是全面贯彻落实科学发展观的具体要求,是我国必须长期坚持的一条根本方针。 ?It is necessary to ensure a real protection to cultivated land and promote economical and intensive utilization of land. It is necessary to open up a new way of utilization of land which is suitable for the specific conditions of our country. The new way has the advantages of occupying less land than before and achieving higher efficiency than before. It is the long-term strategy relating to the national groundwork and the long-term national interests. It shall be done to implement scientific viewpoint of development in an all-round way. It is the basic principle that must be adhered to for a long time in our country.严禁用地者与农村集体经济组织或个人签订协议圈占土地,通过补办用地手续规避招标拍卖挂牌出让。 ?It is prohibited that land users sign the contract of occupying land with collective economic organizations or individuals of the village in order to evade public bidding, auction or hanging out a shingle by carrying out land use formalities subsequently.在城市规划区范围内,以出让方式取得土地使用权进行房地产开发的闲置土地,依照《中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法》的有关规定办理。 Idle land that is lying within the urban plan areas and whose use right has been leased for real estate development shall be handled according to the ""Urban Property Administration Law of the People's Republic of China"".被拆迁人要求货币化安置的,应当与拆迁人签订房屋拆迁货币化安置协议。 If a resident whose house is to be demolished, asks for monetized resettlement, he/she shall sign an agreement with the party that is to demolish the house on monetized resettlement for the demolition of the house.以公有居住房屋安置或者互换房屋产权安置的,拆迁人应当按照被拆除房屋的建筑面积计算被拆迁人的安置面积,但下列情形除外: If resettlement is done with publicly-owned residential house or by exchange of house titles, the party that is to demolish the house shall compute the area for resettlement on the basis of the architectural area of the demolished house with the exception of the following circumstances:??? 证件不全或房屋所有权不清楚的,暂缓登记,待条件成熟后办理。 If the aforesaid certifying documents are incomplete or the ownership of the houses in question is uncertain, the registration procedures shall be postponed until conditions are ripe for registration.予以批准的,发给外商投资企业批准证书;不予批准的,书面说明理由。 If the application is approved, a foreign-invested enterprise certificate shall be granted; if the application is not approved, reasons for the disapproval shall be given in written form.未按土地使用权出让合同规定的期限和条件投资开发、利用土地的,土地使用权不得出租。 If the land has not been developed and utilized in accordance with the period of time specified in the contract and the conditions therein, the right to the use thereof may not be leased.未按土地使用权出让合同规定的期限和条件投资开发、利用土地的,土地使用权不得转让。 If the land has not been developed and utilized in accordance with the period of time specified in the contract and the conditions therein, the right to the use thereof may not be transferred.??? 外国人私有房屋所有人因不在房屋所在地或其他原因不能管理其房屋时,可以在房屋所在地委托代理人代为管理。 If the owners of foreigners' private houses are unable to manage affairs concerning their houses because of their absence from the places where their houses are located, or owing to other reasons, they may appoint agents residing in the places where the said houses are located to manage the houses for them.经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准的能源、交通、水利等基础设施建设用地,需要改变土地利用总体规划的,属于省级人民政府土地利用总体规划批准权限内的,根据省级人民政府的批准文件修改土地利用总体规划。 If the purpose of land defined in the general plans for the utilization of land needs to be changed due to the construction of large energy, communications, water conservancy and other infrastructure projects approved by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, it shall be changed according to the document of approval issued by the provincial level people's governments if it falls into their terms of reference. 工程监理单位与承包单位串通,为承包单位谋取非法利益,给建设单位造成损失的,应当与承包单位承担连带赔偿责任。 If the supervising units collude with the contracting units in order to reap illegitimate profits for the contracting units, which has resulted in losses on the part of project owners, the supervising units shall bear joint liability for damages. 第四十二条? 有下列情形之一的,建设单位应当按照国家有关规定办理申请批准手续: In accordance with relevant state regulations, units undertaking projects shall go through application and approval procedures for following matters:被拆迁人户中有领取独生子女证的独生子女的,可以在按照本办法第五条和第六条规定的计算标准进行安置以外,再增加建筑面积10平方米,但独生子女已经结婚的除外。 In case the household living in the to- be-demolished house has a single child and holds a single child certificate, the said household shall be entitled to an extra increase in architectural area of 10 square meters in addition to the resettlement done according to the standard for computation set forth in Articles 5 and 6 of the present Procedures. But this does not apply to a single child who is married.拆迁人以新建房屋与被拆迁私有居住房屋所有人互换房屋产权的,互换的新房价格应当按照成本价计算。 In case the party that is to demolish the house uses a newly-built house in exchange for the title of the owner to a privately-owned house to be demolished, the price of the newly-built house shall be calculated on the basis of the cost price of the new house.被拆迁人要求货币化安置,但与拆迁人协商达不成协议的,应当以居住房屋进行安置。 In case the resident whose house is to be demolished asks for monetized resettlement but fails to reach an agreement with the party that is to demolish the house, he/she shall be resettled with residential house.省、自治区、直辖市人民政府编制的土地利用总体规划,应当确保本行政区域内耕地总量不减少。 In mapping out the general plans for land use, the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities shall ensure than the total amount of cultivated land under their jurisdiction shall not be reduced.为加强对外国人在中国境内私有房屋的管理,保护房屋所有人的合法权益,根据有关法规,对若干问题作如下规定: In order to strengthen the administration of private houses owned by foreigners within the territory of China, and to protect the lawful rights and interests of their owners, the following provisions are formulated in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations:全民所有,即国家所有土地的所有权由国务院代表国家行使。 In ownership by the whole people, the State Council is empowered to be on behalf of the State to administer the land owned by the State.