(一)申请者向拟设立企业所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府对外贸易经济行政主管部门提出设立申请。 (1) The applicant shall submit an application to the foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the people’s government of the province, the autonomous region or the directly administered municipality where the proposed foreign-invested construction enterprise is to be established. (一)土地使用者为公司、企业、其他经济组织和个人; (1) The land users are companies, enterprises, or other economic organizations, or individuals;(二)外商投资企业批准证书; (2) The approval certificate for the establishment of the foreign-invested construction enterprise;(二)投资方编制或者认可的可行性研究报告; (2) The feasibility study report prepared or accepted by the investors;(二)省、自治区、直辖市人民政府对外贸易经济行政主管部门在受理申请之日起30日内完成初审,初审同意后,报国务院对外贸易经济行政主管部门。 (2) The foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the people’s government of the province, the autonomous region or the directly administered municipality shall complete the preliminary examination within 30 days of receiving the application, and shall, if it grants the preliminary approval, submit the application to the foreign trade and economic cooperation administration department of the State Council for further approval.(三)企业法人营业执照; (3) The business licence for the legal entity;(三)投资方法定代表人签署的外商投资建筑业企业合同和章程(其中,设立外资建筑业企业的只需提供章程); (3) The contract for the establishment of a foreign-invested construction enterprise and the articles of association signed by the investor’s legal representative (only the articles of association is required for the establishment of a wholly foreign-owned construction enterprise);(四)投资方的银行资信证明; (4) The bank credential letter of the investor;(四)企业名称预先核准通知书; (4) The notification on pre-verification of the name of the enterprise;??? 一、对外国人在中国境内的个人所有、数人共有的自用或出租的住宅和非住宅用房(以下简称外国人私有房屋)的管理,应当遵守《城市私有房屋管理条例》的规定。 1. The administration of the residential houses and nonresidential houses owned by foreign individuals or by a group of foreigners jointly within the territory of China and for their own use or for renting out (hereinafter referred to as foreigners' private houses), shall comply with the provisions in the Regulations on the Administration of Private Houses in Urban Areas.(一)被拆除房屋的建筑面积人均不足10平方米的,按照人均10平方米计算; 1. the architectural area of the house to be demolished is less than 10 square meters per person, in which case the area for resettlement shall be computed at 10 square meters per person; or(一)被拆迁私有居住房屋的共有人对安置方式的选择达不成一致意见的,拆迁人应当按照互换房屋产权的方式进行安置; 1. The co-owners of a privately owned residential house that is to be demolished can not reach an agreement on the choice of a way for resettlement, in which case the party that is to demolish the house shall make resettlement by exchange of titles to houses; or(二)被拆迁私有居住房屋所有人要求以公有居住房屋安置,且被拆除房屋的建筑面积超过人均24平方米的,按照人均24平方米计算。 2. the owner of a privately-owned house to be demolished asks to be resettled in a publicly-owned house and the architectural area of the house to be demolished is more than 24 square meters per person, in which case the area for resettlement shall be computed at 24 square meters per person.??? 二、外国人私有房屋的所有人,须到房屋所在地人民政府房地产管理机关(以下简称房管机关)办理房屋所有权登记手续,经审查核实后,领取房屋所有权证; 2. The owners of foreigners' private houses must go through the registration procedures for the proprietary rights of houses at the administrative departments for real estate under the people's governments in the localities where the aforesaid houses are located (hereinafter referred to as the administrative department for real estate), and after the examination and verification, obtain a house owner's certificate;(二)被拆迁公有居住房屋各使用人对安置方式的选择达不成一致意见的,拆迁人应当以公有居住房屋进行安置。 2. The users of a publicly owned residential house that is to be demolished can not reach an agreement on the choice of a way for resettlement, in which case the party that is to demolish the house shall make resettlement by providing publicly owned residential house.(四)因单位撤销、迁移等原因,停止使用原划拨的国有土地的; 4. The use of land originally allocated has been stopped due to cancellation or removal of units;??? 六、办理房屋所有权登记或转移、变更登记和委托手续的证件、文书,须经公证。 6. The certifying documents and title deeds to be used for going through the registration procedures for the ownership of houses or for the transfer of ownership or other changes and the appointment of agents, shall be notarized.??? 七、本规定不适用于中外合资经营企业、中外合作经营企业和外资企业所有的房屋。 7. These Provisions shall not apply to the houses owned by Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures, Chinese-foreign contractual ventures, and foreign-capital enterprises.??? 八、本规定自发布之日起施行。 8. These Provisions shall go into effect as of the date of promulgation.(一) 强化土地利用总体规划的整体控制作用。 ?(1) The effect of the general plans for land use shall be intensified.(十) 深入推进土地有偿使用制度改革。国土资源部要严格限定划拨用地范围,及时调整划拨用地目录。 ?(10) The reform of the system of compensated use of land shall be promoted deeply. Ministry of Land and Resources shall delimit the scope of free land al[] strictly and revise the catalogue of free land al[] timely.(十二) 合理确定出让土地的宗地规模。 ?(12) The scale of the assigned land shall be determined rationally.(十五) 优化住宅用地结构。合理安排住宅用地,继续停止别墅类房地产开发项目的土地供应。 ?(15) The structure of the land used for housing shall be optimized. The land used for housing shall be apportioned properly. The Land supplies of villas real estate development project shall be stopped continuously.(十六) 高度重视农村集体建设用地的规划管理。 ?(16) The planning and management of the land used for construction of rural collective organizations shall be highly emphasized.(十七) 鼓励提高农村建设用地的利用效率。要在坚持尊重农民意愿、保障农民权益的原则下,依法盘活利用农村集体建设用地。 ?(17) The improvement of the utilization efficiency of rural land used for construction shall be encouraged. Adhering to the principle of respecting farmers' will and protecting farmers' rights and interests, the utilization of rural collective Construction Land shall be activated legally.