- 中国土地房屋与建筑行业法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 房屋拆迁货币化安置协议应当载明下列主要内容: The monetized resettlement agreement for demolition of a house shall contain the following main items:
- 货币化安置款应当由被拆迁房屋使用人专项用于购买本市经认定的空置商品住宅或者其他商品住宅,不得挪作他用。 The monetized resettlement money shall be used by the users of the house to be demolished for the specific purpose of purchasing any house within this Municipality which has been verified as unoccupied commodity residential house or other commodity residential house. This money shall not be used for any other purposes.
- 抵押合同不得违背国家法律、法规和土地使用权出让合同的规定。 The mortgage contract shall not run counter to the laws and regulations of the State or the stipulations of the contract for assigning the right to the use of the land.
- 本办法的具体应用问题,由市房屋土地管理局负责解释。 The Municipal Housing and Land Administration shall be responsible for the interpretation of the specific application of the Present Procedures.
- 对划拨土地使用权,市、县人民政府根据城市建设发展需要和城市规划的要求,可以无偿收回,并可依照本条便的规定予以出让。 The municipal or county people's government may, based on the needs of urban construction and development and the requirements of urban planning, withdraw the allocated right to the use of the land without compensation and may assign it in accordance with the relevant provisions of these Regulations.
- 在外国办理的公证文书,须经该国外交部或其委托的机构和中国驻该国大使馆、领事馆认证。 The notarial documents prepared and signed in a foreign country shall be verified and confirmed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the said country, or by its authorized agencies, and by the Chinese embassies or consulates in the said countries.
- 建筑工程的发包单位可以将建筑工程的勘察、设计、施工、设备采购一并发包给一个工程总承包单位,也可以将建筑工程勘察、设计、施工、设备采购的一项或者多项发包给一个工程总承包单位;但是,不得将应当由一个承包单位完成的建筑工程肢解成若干部分发包给几个承包单位。 The out-contracting units of construction projects can contract out either the survey, design, construction and equipment purchase of the construction units to a single overall contracting unit or one or some of these tasks to an overall contracting unit.??However, the out- contracting units shall not divide the construction projects which shall be undertaken by one contracting units into several parts for out- contracting to several different contracting units.
- 发包单位应当按照合同的约定,及时拨付工程款项。 The out-contracting units shall appropriate project funds in a timely manner in accordance with the provisions of the contracts.
- 禁止总承包单位将工程分包给不具备相应资质条件的单位。禁止分包单位将其承包的工程再分包。 The overall contracting units are prohibitied from subcontracting the projects to units without appropriate qualifications. The subcontractors are prohibitied from re-subcontracting the sub-contracted projects.
- 建筑工程总承包单位按照总承包合同的约定对建设单位负责;分包单位按照分包合同的约定对总承包单位负责。总承包单位和分包单位就分包工程对建设单位承担连带责任。 The overall contracting units shall be held responsible to project owners in accordance with the provisions of the overall contracts; The subcontractors shall be held responsible to the overall contractors in accordance with the terms of the subcontracting contracts. The overall contractors and subcontractors shall bear joint responsibilities to project owners for the subcontracted projects.
- 委托代管应由本人出具委托书。 The owners of the houses shall personally vest their agents or attorneys with powers of attorney.
- 拆迁人应当按照被拆迁人自愿选择的安置方式安置被拆迁人,但下列情形除外: The party that is to demolish the houses shall resettle the residents of demolished houses in the way chosen by the latter of their free will, with the exception of the following circumstances:
- 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府应当制定开垦耕地计划,监督占用耕地的单位按照计划开垦耕地或者按照计划组织开垦耕地,并进行验收。 The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities shall formulate plans for reclamation of cultivated land, see to it that units which occupy cultivated land shall reclaim land as planned or organize the land reclamation according to plan and examine and accept the land reclaimed.
- 在本市市区范围内,经市建设委员会核定的危棚简屋改造地块拆迁居住房屋的补偿安置,适用本办法。 The present Procedures apply to the compensation and resettlement for the demolition and re[] of residential houses on land-plots clustered with shaky sheds and crude shacks designated to be reconstructed, as checked and ratified by the Municipal Construction Commission.
- 为了加快本市旧区危棚简屋改造,促进空置商品住宅的消化,保障拆迁当事人的合法权益,根据《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》,结合本市实际情况,制定本办法。 The present Procedures are formulated in accordance with ""Regulations on the Administration of Demolition and Re[] of Urban Houses"" and in the light of the actual conditions of this Municipality, in order to speed up the reconstruction of shaky sheds and crude shacks in the old quarter of this Municipality, promote the disposal of commodity residential houses that have been long left unoccupied, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the parties involved in the demolition and re[].
- 本办法自1998年1月1日起施行。本办法未作具体规定的,按照《上海市城市房屋拆迁管理实施细则》执行; The present Procedures shall become effective on January 1, 1998. Matters not covered in the present Procedures shall be dealt with in accordance with the Detailed Implementation Rules of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of Demolition and Re[] of Urban Houses.
- 互换房屋产权的差额价款应当在签订房屋拆迁补偿安置协议时一次付清。 The price difference shall be paid in one lump sum at the time when the two parties sign an agreement for compensation and resettlement for the demolition and re[] of houses.
- 登记文件可以公开查阅 THE registration documents shall be made available for public reference.
- 建筑工程的保修范围应当包括地基基础工程、主体结构工程、屋面防水工程和其他土建工程,以及电气管线、上下水管线的安装工程,供热、供冷系统工程等项目;保修的期限应当按照保证建筑物合理寿命年限内正常使用,维护使用者合法权益的原则确定。具体的保修范围和最低保修期限由国务院规定。 The scope of warranties on construction projects covers foundations, main parts, the leak prevention of roof covering and other building projects as well as the installation of electric wires and gas, water supply and drainage pipes, and heating and air-conditioning systems. The time frames of warranties shall be determined in accordance with the principle of ensuring the regular use of buildings within normal service life time and safeguarding users' legitimate rights and interests.??The specific scope and minimum time frame of warranties shall be stipulated by the State Council.
- 县级以上地方人民政府土地行政主管部门的设置及其职责,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府根据国务院有关规定确定。 The setup and functions of land administrative departments of people's governments at and above the county level shall be decided by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities under the direct jurisdiction of the central government (hereinafter referred to as ""municipalities"" for short) according to the relevant provisions of the State Council.
- (四)依照前款规定方式出让土地使用权的具体程序和步骤,由盛自治区、直辖市人民政府规定。 The specific procedures and steps for assigning the right to the use of the land by the means stipulated in preceding paragraphs shall be formulated by the people's government of relevant province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government.
- 被征用土地上的附着物和青苗的补偿标准,由省、自治区、直辖市规定。 The standards for compensating for ground attachments and green crops on the land requisitioned shall be determined by various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.
- 征用其他土地的土地补偿费和安置补助费标准,由省、自治区、直辖市参照征用耕地的土地补偿费和安置补助费的标准规定。 The standards for land compensation and resettlement fees for land requisitioned shall be determined by various provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in reference to the land compensation fees and resettlement fees for cultivated land requisitioned.
- 国务院可以规定实行强制监理的建筑工程的范围。 The State Council can stipulate the scope of construction projects subject to compulsory supervision.
- 国家实行占用耕地补偿制度。非农业建设经批准占用耕地的,按照“占多少,垦多少”的原则,由占用耕地的单位负责开垦与所占用耕地的数量和质量相当的耕地;没有条件开垦或者开垦的耕地不符合要求的,应当按照省、自治区、直辖市的规定缴纳耕地开垦费,专款用于开垦新的耕地。 The State fosters the system of compensations to cultivated land to be occupied. In the cases of occupying cultivated land for non-agricultural construction, the units occupying the cultivated land should be responsible for reclaiming the same amount of land in the same quality as that occupied according to the principle of ""reclaiming the same amount of land occupied. Whereas units which occupy the cultivated land are not available with conditions of reclaimation of land or the land reclaimed is not up to requirements, the units concerned should pay land reclamation fees prescribed by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities for reclaiming land for cultivation the land reclaimed.