(一)全部由外国投资、外国赠款、外国投资及赠款建设的工程; (1) Construction projects funded totally by foreign investments, foreign grants or foreign investments and grants;(二)由国际金融机构资助并通过根据贷款条款进行的国际招标授予的建设项目; (2) Construction projects financed by international financial organisations and awarded through international tendering process in accordance with the provisions of the loan agreement; (二)在城市规划区的建筑工程,已经取得规划许可证; (2) Construction projects within urban planned districts have obtained licenses of planning;(四)由中国投资,但因技术困难而不能由中国建筑企业独立实施的建设项目,经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府建设行政主管部门批准,可以由中外建筑企业联合承揽。 (4) China-invested construction projects which Chinese construction enterprises cannot undertake independently due to technical difficulties. Such projects may be jointly undertaken by Chinese and foreign construction enterprises subject to the approval of the construction administration departments of the people’s government of provinces, or autonomous regions or directly administered municipalities. (四)已经确定建筑施工企业; (4) Constructing enterprises for the projects have been chosen;(一)经国务院有关主管部门或者县级以上地方人民政府批准确定的粮、棉、油生产基地内的耕地; 1. Cultivated land in the grain, cotton and oil-bearing crops production bases approved by the land administrative department of the State Council or the local people's governments at and above the county level;(二)有良好的水利与水土保持设施的耕地,正在实施改造计划以及可以改造的中、低产田; 2. Cultivated land with good water conservancy and water and soil conservation facilities and medium-and low-yielding land where the execution of amelioration plan is in progress or medium-and low-yielding land that is transformable.(四)责令非法占用土地的单位或者个人停止违反土地管理法律、法规的行为。 4. Command units or individuals that have occupied land illegally to stop their acts of violating the land administrative law and decrees.(十一) 完善建设用地储备制度。 ?(11) Construction land reserve system shall be perfected.国务院关于促进节约集约用地的通知 ?Circular of the State Council on Promoting the Economical and Intensive Utilization of Land城市规划要按照循序渐进、节约土地、集约发展、合理布局的原则,科学确定城市定位、功能目标和发展规模,增强城市综合承载能力。 ?City planning shall adhere to the principle of gradual and orderly progress, land saving, intensive development and reasonable positioning in order to determine the orientation, functional target and development size of cities and enhance the comprehensive carrying capacity of cities.按规划稳妥开展农村集体建设用地整理,改善农民生产生活条件。 ?Consolidation of the rural collective Construction land shall be launched steadily according to the planning in order to improve production conditions and living conditions of farmers.确认林地、草原的所有权或者使用权,确认水面、滩涂的养殖使用权,分别依照《中华人民共和国森林法》、《中华人民共和国草原法》和《中华人民共和国渔业法》的有关规定办理。 Certifications of ownership or use right of wooded land and grassland and the uses or of water surface and beachland for breeding purpose shall be managed according to related provisions of the ""Forest Law of the People's Republic of China"", the ""Grassland Law of the People's Republic of China"" and the ""Fisheries Law of the People's Republic of China"".第一章 总 则 Chapter 1 General provisions第二章 企业设立与资质的申请和审批 Chapter 2 Application for and Examination and Approval of Establishment of Foreign–invested Construction Enterprises and their Qualifications第三章 工程承包范围 Chapter 3 Scope of Contracting第四章 监督管理 Chapter 4 Supervision and Administration第五章 附 则 Chapter 5 Supplemental Provisions第八章附则 CHAPTER EIGHT SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS第八章附则 CHAPTER EIGHT SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS第五章建设用地 CHAPTER FIVE LAND FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES第五章建设用地 CHAPTER FIVE LAND FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES第四章耕地保护 CHAPTER FOUR PROTECTION OF CULTIVATED LAND第四章耕地保护 CHAPTER FOUR PROTECTION OF CULTIVATED LAND第一章? 总? 则 CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS语际翻译 版权所有
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