

前款所称农用地是指直接用于农业生产的土地,包括耕地、林地、草地、农田水利用地、养殖水面等;建设用地是指建造建筑物、构筑物的土地,包括城乡住宅和公共设施用地、工矿用地、交通水利设施用地、旅游用地、军事设施用地等;未利用地是指农用地和建设用地以外的土地。    ""Land for farm use"" refers to land directly used for agricultural production, including cultivated land, wooded land, grassland, land for farmland water conservancy and water surfaces for breeding; ""land for construction use"" refers to land on which buildings and structures are put up, including land for urban and rural housing and public facilities, land for industrial and mining use, land for building communications and water conservancy facilities, land for tourism and land for building military installations. The term ""land unused"" refers to land other than that for agricultural and construction uses.
  (二)可能损坏道路、管线、电力、邮电通讯等公共设施的;    (2) Likely to damage roads, pipes and electric wires, power supply and post and telecommunication equipment and other public facilities;
(一)国家机关用地和军事用地;    1. Land for use by government organs and for military use;
(一)为乡(镇)村公共设施和公益事业建设,需要使用土地的;    1. Land needed for building public facilities and public welfare undertakings of townships (towns) and villages;
(二)基本农田以外的耕地超过三十五公顷的;    2. Land exceeding 35 hectares outside the basic farmland;
(二)城市基础设施用地和公益事业用地;    2. Land for building urban infrastructure and for public welfare undertakings;
(二)不按照批准的用途使用土地的;    2. Land not used according to the purposes approved;
(三)国家重点扶持的能源、交通、水利等基础设施用地;    3. Land for building energy, communications and water conservancy and other infrastructure projects supported by the State.
(三)因撤销、迁移等原因而停止使用土地的。    3. Land not used any more due to cancellation or removal of the original units.
(八)违约责任;    8. Liabilities for breach of agreement;
建设项目设计、施工和建设用地审批必须严格执行用地标准,对超标准用地的,要核减用地面积。    ?Land-use standards shall be implemented strictly in the design of the construction projects, construction, examination and approval of the construction land. Land use area shall be checked and reduced when the land is used in excess of standards.
对村民自愿腾退宅基地或符合宅基地申请条件购买空闲住宅的,当地政府可给予奖励或补助。    ?Local government may give reward or compensation to the villagers who return house sites voluntarily or purchase idle house when they have met the requirements of application for house sites.
县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门和同级统计部门共同制定统计调查方案,依法进行土地统计,定期发布土地统计资料。土地所有者或者使用者应当提供有关资料,不得虚报、瞒报、拒报、迟报。    Land administrative departments of the people's governments at and above the county level shall, together with the statistical departments at the same level shall, formulate plans for statistical surveys and compile statistics about land according to law and regularly issue statistical data about the land. Land owners and users shall provide related materials and it is strictly forbidden to provide false and concealed materials or refuse to provide or delay the delivery of materials.
按照前款规定兴办企业的建设用地,必须严格控制。省、自治区、直辖市可以按照乡镇企业的不同行业和经营规模,分别规定用地标准。    Land for construction purposes in starting enterprises provided for in the preceding paragraph shall be put under strict control. Provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities shall determine the standards for land use according to different trades and scale of operation of township enterprises.
农村和城市郊区的土地,除由法律规定属于国家所有的以外,属于农民集体所有;宅基地和自留地、自留山,属于农民集体所有。    Land in the rural areas and suburban areas, except otherwise provided for by the State, shall be collectively owned by peasants including land for building houses, land and hills allowed to be retained by peasants.
使用土地的单位和个人必须严格按照土地利用总体规划确定的用途使用土地。    Land should be used strictly in line with the purposes of land use defined in the general plan for the utilization of the land whether by units or individuals.
本条第二款、第三款规定以外的建设项目占用土地,涉及农用地转为建设用地的,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准。    Land to be occupied for construction purposes other than those provided for in the second and third paragraphs of this article shall be approved by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous region and municipalities whereas conversion of agricultural land into construction land is involved.
地方各级人民政府应当采取措施,改造中、低产田,整治闲散地和废弃地。    Local people's governments at all levels shall adopt measures to ameliorate medium-and low-yielding land and consolidate idle and scattered and abandoned land.
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