??? (一)新建、翻建和扩建的房屋,须提交房屋所在地规划管理部门批准的建设许可证和建筑图纸; (1) with respect to newly-built, rebuilt, or expanded houses, the construction licences approved by the planning and administrative departments in the localities, and also the building blueprints;??? (二)购买的房屋,须提交原房屋所有权证、买卖合同和契证; (2) with respect to newly-bought houses, the original certificates of title, the contracts for house transaction, and the title deeds of the houses must be submitted; (三)需要拆迁的,其拆迁进度符合施工要求; (3) Where demolition and relocation are necessary, the progress of demolition and relocation comply with the requirements of construction;??? (三)受赠的房屋,须提交原房屋所有权证、赠与书或遗赠证件和契证; (3) with respect to houses accepted as gifts, the original certificates of title, the deeds of gift or deeds of demised house, and the title deeds of the houses must be submitted;(三)国务院对外贸易经济行政主管部门在收到初审材料之日起10日内将申请材料送国务院建设行政主管部门征求意见。 (3) Within 10 days of receiving the application for further approval, the foreign trade and economic administration department of the State Council shall forward the application to the construction administration department of the State Council for review and comments.??? (四)交换的房屋,须提交双方的房屋所有权证、双方签订的协议书和契证; (4) with respect to houses exchanged, the certificates of title of both parties, the agreements signed by both parties, and the title deeds of the houses must be submitted;(四)取得外商投资企业批准证书的,应当在30日内到登记主管机关办理企业登记注册。 (4) Within 30 days of receiving the approval certificate, the applicant shall register with the relevant registration department.??? (五)继承的房屋,须提交原房屋所有权证、遗产继承证件和契证; (5) with respect to inherited houses, the original certificates of title, certifying documents for the inheritance, and the deeds of houses must be submitted; (五)有满足施工需要的施工图纸及技术资料; (5) Working drawings and technical data are available to meet the need of construction;??? (六)分家析产、分割的房屋,须提交原房屋所有权证、分家析产单或分割单和契证; (6) with respect to houses allotted from one's family properties, the original certificates of title, lists of the said allotment, and the deeds of the houses must be submitted;??? (七)获准拆除的房屋,须提交原房屋所有权证和批准拆除证件。 (7) with respect to houses the demolition of which, has been approved, the original certificates of title, and the permission of demolition of the houses must be submitted.(三)土地出让等有偿使用合同约定的使用期限届满,土地使用者未申请续期或者申请续期未获批准的; 3. When the term for the land use right expires according to what is agreed upon in the contract for compensated use of land, the land user has failed to apply for extension or failed to get approval for extension;??? 四、外国人私有房屋出租或出借,其租赁合同或出借凭证,应当送交房屋所在地房管机关备案。 4. When foreigners' private houses are rented or lent out, the relevant lease contracts and the lending documents shall be presented, for the record, to the administrative departments for real estate in the places where the said houses are located.(六)货币化安置款的支付方式和期限; 6. Way and deadline of payment of monetized resettlement money;(九)争议的解决方式; 9. Ways of dispute settlement; and金融机构对房地产项目超过土地出让合同约定的动工开发日期满一年,完成土地开发面积不足1/3或投资不足1/4的企业,应审慎贷款和核准融资,从严控制展期贷款或滚动授信; ?When the development area has not exceeded one-third of the whole or the investment has not exceeded one-fourth of the whole one year later than the date for starting the development as prescribed by the contract, banking institutions shall grant loans and sanction financing prudently and control renewal loan and credit business strictly.土地闲置满一年不满两年的,按出让或划拨土地价款的20%征收土地闲置费。 ?When the land keeps idle more than one year and less than two years, 20 percent of the lease fees for land use may be collected as an idle land fee.土地闲置满两年、依法应当无偿收回的,坚决无偿收回,重新安排使用; ?When the land keeps idle more than two years resulting in that the right to use the land shall be taken back without any compensation according to law, the right shall be taken back without any compensation resolutely in order to be reallocated and used.对非经营性用地改变为经营性用地的,应当约定或明确政府可以收回土地使用权,重新依法出让。 ?When use of the land is changed from non-profit to profit-oriented, it shall be stipulated and clarified that government may take back the right to use the land and assign the land again according to law.不符合土地利用总体规划和年度计划安排的,必须及时调整和修改,核减用地规模。 ?Where the annual arrangement of land use doesn't conform to general plans for land use and the annual plans for land use, it shall be adjusted and modified in time, and the amount of land shall be checked and reduced. 建筑工程恢复施工时,应当向发证机关报告;中止施工满一年的工程恢复施工前,建设单位应当报发证机关核验施工许可证。 When construction work resumes, reports should be filed with the license issuing agencies; Before the resumption of work on construction projects which have stopped for over one year, units in charge of construction shall apply to the license issuing agencies for verification of their working licenses. 工程监理人员发现工程设计不符合建筑工程质量标准或者合同约定的质量要求的,应当报告建设单位要求设计单位改正。 When project supervising personnel find that project design is not in conformity with the quality standards for project construction or the quality requirements as specified in the contracts, they shall report to the project owners who shall then demand corrections from the designing units. 工程监理人员认为工程施工不符合工程设计要求、施工技术标准和合同约定的,有权要求建筑施工企业改正。 When project supervising personnel think the construction work is not in line with the requirements of project design, technical standards for construction and the terms of the contracts, they have the right to demand corrections from the construction units. 无偿收回划拨土地使用权时,对其地上建筑物、其他附着物,市、县人民政府应当根据实际情况给予适当补偿。 When the allocated right to the use of the land is withdrawn without compensation, the municipal or county people's government shall, in the light of the actual state of affairs, give due compensation for the above-ground buildings and other attached objects thereon. 施工现场对毗邻的建筑物、构筑物和特殊作业环境可能造成损害的,建筑施工企业应当采取安全防护措施。 When the construction site may cause damages to the adjacent buildings, structures and special operating environment, the construction enterprises shall adopt safety and preventive measures.