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中国土地房屋与建筑行业法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(一)以公有居住房屋安置;    1. Resettlement with publicly-owned residential houses;
(二)提高土地利用率;    2. Raise the utilization rate of land.
(二)将应安置的公有居住房屋折算成货币款,由被拆迁人自行购买商品住宅安置(以下称货币化安置)。    2. Resettlement with commodity residential house to be bought by the resident himself/herself whose house is to be demolished, with a sum money equivalent to the value of the publicly owned residential house designated for his/her resettlement (hereinafter referred to as ""monetized resettlement"")
(五)公路、铁路、机场、矿场等经核准报废的。    5. Roads, railways, airports and mining sites that have been approved to be abandoned.
要按照节约集约用地的要求,加快城市规划相关技术标准的制定和修订。    ?Relevant technical standards on city planning shall be formulated and revised according to the principle of economical and intensive utilization of land.
储备建设用地必须符合规划、计划,并将现有未利用的建设用地优先纳入储备。    ?Reserving construction land shall conform to programming and planning. The exiting unutilized construction land shall be brought into reserve first.
尽快出台新修订的人均用地、用地结构等城市规划控制标准,合理确定各项建设建筑密度、容积率、绿地率,严格按国家标准进行各项市政基础设施和生态绿化建设。    ?Revised city planning standard including area per capita and structure of land shall be promulgated as soon as possible to determine building density, floor area ratio of building and green space ratio of each construction rationally. Construction of municipal infrastructure and ecological greening shall be carried on according to national standard strictly.
外商投资建筑业企业管理规定》已经2002年9月9日建设部第63次常务会议和2002年9月17日对外贸易经济合作部第10次部长办公会议审议通过,现予发布,自2002年12月1日起施行。    Regulations on Administration of Foreign-Invested Construction Enterprises approved respectively at the 63rd Executive Meeting of the Ministry of Construction on 9 September 2002 and at the 10th Ministerial Meeting of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation on 17 September 2002 are now issued and shall go into effect on 1 December 2002. 
外商投资建筑业企业管理规定    Regulations on Administration of Foreign–Invested Construction Enterprises
  依法核定作为文物保护的纪念建筑物和古建筑等的修缮,依照文物保护的有关法律规定执行。    Renovation of memorials and ancient buildings certified by law as cultural relics for protection shall be carried out in accordance with relevant laws of protection of cultural relics.
征用农用地的,应当依照本法第四十四条的规定先行办理农用地转用审批。其中,经国务院批准农用地转用的,同时办理征地审批手续,不再另行办理征地审批;经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府在征地批准权限内批准农用地转用的,同时办理征地审批手续,不再另行办理征地审批,超过征地批准权限的,应当依照本条第一款的规定另行办理征地审批。    Requisition of agricultural land should first of all go through the examination and approval procedure for converting agricultural land into land for construction purposes according to the provisions of Article 44 of this law. Whereas conversion of land is approved by the State Council, the land requisition examination and approval procedures should be completed concurrently with the procedures for converting agricultural land to construction uses and no separate procedures are required. Whereas the conversion of land is approved by people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities within their terms of reference, land requisition examination and approval procedures should be completed at the same time and no separate procedures are required. Whereas the terms of reference has been exceeded, separate land requisition examination and approval procedures should be completed according to the provisions of the first paragraph of this article.
征用前款规定以外的土地的,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准,并报国务院备案。    Requisition of land other than prescribed in the preceding paragraph shall be approved by the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities and submitted to the State Council for the record.
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