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中国土地房屋与建筑行业法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


  (一)协议;    (1) by reaching an agreement through consultations;
  (二)招标;    (2) by invitation to bid; or
  (三)拍卖。    (3) by auction.
(六)经注册会计师或者会计师事务所审计的投资方最近三年的资产负债表和损益表;    (6) Balance sheets and profit and loss accounts of the investor over the past three years audited by a certified accountant or an accounting firm.
(七)经注册会计师或者会计事务所审计的投资方最近三年的资产负债表和损益表。    (7) Balance sheets and profit and loss accounts of the investor over the past three years audited by a certified accountant or an accounting firm.
(一)基本农田;    1. Basic farmland;
土地出让前要制订控制性详细规划和土地供应方案,明确容积率、绿地率和建筑密度等规划条件。规划条件一经确定,不得擅自调整。    ?Before land is assigned, dominative detailed planning and land supply scheme shall be compiled to clarify the planning condition such as floor area ratio, green space ratio, building density and so on. Once defined, no planning condition may, without authorization, be altered.
储备土地出让前,应当处理好土地的产权、安置补偿等法律经济关系,完成必要的前期开发,缩短开发周期,防止形成新的闲置土地。    ?Before reserve land is assigned, legal and economic issues on land property right, al[] and compensation shall be dealt properly. Necessary pre-development shall be completed to shorten development cycle and avoid shaping new idle land.
利用农民集体所有土地进行非农建设,必须符合规划,纳入年度计划,并依法审批。    ?Before the rural collectivity-owned lands are used for non-farming construction, the construction shall conform to the planning, be incorporated in annual plans and submit for approval according to law.
2008年6月底前,各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府要将闲置土地清理处置情况向国务院做出专题报告。    ?By the end of June 2008, the people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall submit the special report on clearing up and handling idle land plots to the State Council.
基本农田保护区以乡(镇)为单位进行划区定界,由县级人民政府土地行政主管部门会同同级农业行政主管部门组织实施。    Basic farmland protection areas shall be demarcated with township (town) as the unit and the protection of which shall be carried out by the land administrative departments of the county level people's governments together with agricultural administrative departments of the same level.
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