

(三)统筹安排各类、各区域用地;    3. Make an overall plan and arrangements about the use of land in various kinds and various areas.
(十四) 强化用地合同管理。土地出让合同和划拨决定书要严格约定建设项目投资额、开竣工时间、规划条件、价款、违约责任等内容。    ?(14) Management of land use contracts shall be strengthened. Investment amount, time for beginning and completing of construction projects, planning conditions, price and liability for breach and other terms shall be stipulated strictly in the contract of assignment of land and the form of decision for allocating land.
(六) 严格执行闲置土地处置政策。    ?(6) Measures on handling idle land plots shall be implemented strictly.
二、 充分利用现有建设用地,大力提高建设用地利用效率    ?2. Making full use of the existing construction land to improve the efficiency of construction land.
三、 充分发挥市场配置土地资源基础性作用,健全节约集约用地长效机制    ?3. Making full use of the basic function of the market in the distribution of land resources to perfect the long-acting mechanism of economical and intensive land use
土地前期开发要引入市场机制,按照有关规定,通过公开招标方式选择实施单位。    ?Market mechanism shall be introduced in pre-development of land. The construction unit shall be selected by public call for bids according to relevant regulations.
国土资源部要会同有关部门,依照《中华人民共和国物权法》的有关规定,抓紧研究制订土地空间权利设定和登记的具体办法。    ?Ministry of Land and Resources and concerned departments shall study and formulate specific measures for enactment and registration of the land space rights timely.
国土资源部要会同监察部等有关部门持续开展用地情况的执法检查,重点查处严重破坏、浪费、闲置土地资源的违法违规案件,依法依纪追究有关人员的责任。    ?Ministry of Land and Resources shall collaborate with Ministry of Supervision to evolve law enforcement and inspection on land use, with the stress on investigating and dealing with cases violating the law and regulation which severely damage land sources, waste land sources and idle land sources, request relevant personnel to undertake responsibilities according to the law and regulation.
建设部部长 汪光焘    Minister of the Ministry of Construction: Wang Guangtao
对外贸易经济合作部部长 石广生    Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation: Shi Guangsheng 
被拆迁私有居住房屋出租的,不适用货币化安置方式,但出租人和承租人对货币化安置款的分配协商达成一致意见的除外。    Monetized resettlement shall not apply to privately owned houses that have been leased out unless the lessor and the lessee reach an agreement on the distribution of the monetized resettlement money.
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